--------D-2103------------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ CHARACTER FROM STDAUX AH = 03h Return: AL = character read Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDAUX is usually the first serial port SeeAlso: AH=04h,INT 14/AH=02h,INT E0/CL=03h --------D-2104------------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO STDAUX AH = 04h DL = character to write Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDAUX is usually the first serial port if STDAUX is busy, this function will wait until it becomes free SeeAlso: AH=03h,INT 14/AH=01h,INT E0/CL=04h