26) COPY. A: The use of a decimal point IMMEDIATELY after some DOS statements, will replace *.* EXAMPLES: DEL. (erase all files in current directory) COPY. A: (copy all files in current directory to A:) There may be more statements with which it works, but I haven't tried them yet. Willem van den Broek "." means the current directory, and Command.com will assume that \directory implies \directory\*.* for most commands where a filename(s) should be specified, eg: DIR \ is the same as DIR \*.* COPY \FRED is the same as COPY \FRED\*.* COPY. A:\ is the same as COPY .\*.* A:\ which is the same as COPY *.* A:\ DEL. is the same as DEL .\*.* which is the same as DEL *.* Mitch Ames Have you noticed also how DIR ... only displays directories, not files? Gary Marden In DOS 5.0 it displays directories and files with no extensions. I tried "DIR ...", "DIR...", and "DIR ....". They all behave the same way. Gary Smith Another good thing is you can travel from directories to directories without typing "CD". Just type the directory name followed by a backslash '\'. Example: To go from C:\BATCH to C:\WP51, you type "\wp51\". That's it! fast and easy. Marc Y. Paulin If you are in the following directory : \WORD\FILES\LETTERS\APRIL And wanted to go to the directory \WORD\FILES, you'd normally type two lines : CD \ CD WORD\FILES Or even the single line "CD \WORD\FILES" to combine the two commands into one. There is a shorter way, simply type the following : CD ..\.. You're there ! Andrew Barnhardt In DOS 5.0, it displays files and directories which have no extension. Larry Kessler On this machine with DOS 5.0 and NDOS 6.0 DIR... gives me a list of subdirectories off of the root and a list of all files in the root directory, regardless of the file extension. It will yield this result regardless of what directory/subdirectory I am in at the time the command is issued. Gary Cooper Editor's Note: I admit that "features" in the last two MUFs may be documented (although obscure feature), the reason that it continues to be seen in the MUF list is because I believe that the ability to use the period immediately IE: COPY. is not documented. What is documented is the fact that "." and ".." can be used to represent the current and parent directories respectively, and these will work with many applications which can handle directory names as arguments. In this case the "." could also be viewed as a replacement for "*.*" ===============================================================================