Dossaver for Windows is a program that will allow you to use your favorite dos graphics, or other programs as real Windows screensavers. It will attempt to run any program you enter in the setup screen. It must be configured before running it for the first time using control panel\ desktop, just as you would any other Windows screensaver. It does very well with Windows compatible graphics programs, and can also be used with batch files and graphics programs that have command line switches to display slideshows. This program requires VBRUN200.DLL which is NOT included, but is available on many bulletin boards. It was written in Visual Basic mainly to satisfy my own desire to be able to run my favorite dos graphics program. It will however run ANY program you select, so use it with caution! Since I have no control over what you might do with it, I cannot be responsible for any damage you might do to your system. It is very safe itself, since it only reads from and writes to it's own configuration file, dossaver.ini which is located in your Windows directory. Note: A mouse is required to be able to access the setup menu. Also: This IS a beta version! (But I have been using it for several weeks without any problems) Please send any comments or bug reports directly to me. I can be reached as HPJ@AOL.COM or Thanks for trying Dossaver... Harold Pruett...