PCECM 1.00 (For ProComm+ 2.xx for Windows ONLY) 7/18/94 Intro: Some people including myself are having problems sending or receiving a fax from certain fax machines with ProComm+ 2.xx Windows. Most of the time the problem has to do with ECM. I had the exact same problem with WinFax Pro 4 so I knew what to look for. I checked with DataStorm and they said to add a line in pw2.ini to turn ECM off and it worked great, but that is very inconvenient because I only want it off to certain fax machines. So I wrote this program to make switching back and forth between using ECM and not using ECM easier. This is to add or remove a line (FECM= )in the pw2.ini to turn on or off ECM. Installation: The program only uses the one small exe file "PCECM.EXE". Copy it anywhere you like and add an icon (or 3) for it if you want. You can add a custom Icon on the Action Bar also, see note below. It does not need to be in your path but you may want it in the path so you can easily run it from a command line, run program, etc.. easily with the parameters. It doesn't alter any files except the one line in pw2.ini. To uninstall, run PCECM.exe and enable ECM so ProComm+ 2.xx is back the way it was and then delete the pcecm.exe file. Use: NOTE: Before running this program, you should exit PC+ so your changes can take effect when PC+ loads. I tested it without unloading and reloading PC+ and it seemed to work OK, but for maximum crash protection I suggest exiting PC+ then running PCECM and reloading PC+. You can run the program with or without parameters.: 1 Run The Program Normally "PCECM.exe" or "PCECM" 2 Run With an "on" or "off" parameter "PCECM.exe on" or "PCECM off" etc.. When you run normally: It comes up with a small screen with 3 buttons: Enable, Disable, and Cancel. Enable will add the line FECM=11 to your pw2.ini re-enabling ECM use after you have previously disabled it. This is the normal default and should be the way you leave it except when having problems with certain fax machines. Disable will add the line FECM=00 to your pw2.ini disabling ALL ECM usage for sending and receiving. (That will also disable BFT use because it needs ECM.) Normally you would set the program this way prior to sending or receiving from a machine that is giving you problems. Cancel Will leave the setting the way you last set it at and offer to start PC+ for you. If you run it with the on or off parameter: Use the command line "PCECM on" or "PCECM.exe on" to bypass the button screen and Enable ECM. (see above) Use the command line "PCECM off" or "PCECM.exe off" to bypass the button screen and Disable ECM. (You don't need to check the status first.; If you know you want it on or off then just run with the apropriate commands.) IMPORTANT Notes: Normally, I suggest ProComm+ 2.xx should NOT be running when you run PCECM. (Normally a program reads the .ini file only when it loads.) However, I tested it by adding an icon on the action bar and running PCECM with PC+ loaded and it seemed to work. It may or may not work right for you this way but you can try it. After running PCECM.exe, it will ask you if you want to Start PC+. Yes will start ProComm+ 2.xx and exit; No will just exit. (I am using a very simple method for launching ProComm+ 2.xx. It should work but it depends on the way the path to ProComm+ 2.xx is in your pw2.ini. If it's not exactly the way it expects it, then ProComm+ 2.xx won't start from pcecm.exe and you'll have to start it the way you normally do. I look for a line in the pw2.ini under Paths called home=[path]; If it's there it should work.) With ECM OFF, you can NOT use some advanced features including sending files by BFT; Therefore, you should normally have ECM ON except for a trouble machine but then turn it on again when done if you want to use all the features. ProComm+ 2.xx does have a setting for Enabling or Disabling ECM for sending or receiving ONLY. In the interest of keeping things simple I chose at least for now to either turn it completely off or on. (The 2 numbers I write to the pw2.ini such as FECM=00: the first number is for Send and the second number is for receive.) The intent of my program is that if you are having trouble with a specific fax machine, you turn off ECM, do your faxing, and turn it back on. Future releases: There is really nothing PLANNED at this time, I would anticipate Datastorm coming out with a proper fix for the problem instead of my work around which would render this program obsolete. I hope you find this program as useful as I do. It is released as FreeWare. You can use it as long as you agree that I am not responsible for anything directly or indirectly related to using this program. This program is FREE. (However I will accept donations toward my costs of producing this and other programs of up to the nominal fee of $2.50. It takes a lot of time to write these programs and do the research and it costs money to distribute them.) Send comments, donations, etc..to an address below. Michael Krane 4 Azurean Ct. Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 E-MAIL: Miklk (on America On-line)(Preferrable) 70242,2317 (on Compuserve) The program has been fully tested but obviously not in every possible configuration, so PLEASE report any bugs or ideas to me at the above addresses. THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS. THE AUTHOR (Michael Krane) MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------