Announcing uuPCB: USENET For PC Board by Ed Hopper Hopper Systems Ed Hopper's BBS - 404-446-9462 FINALLY! An AFFORDABLE way for PC Board Systems to participate in USENET! Boardwatch Magazine calls uuPCB "Delightful". And we aim to delight you too! The most diverse and interesting network around is Usenet. Usenet is a loose term for a number of networks, Usenet itself, Altnet and a number of other specialized distributions all utilize "news" software. "News" is the term for networked public conferences in the Usenet community. Currently, most UNIX based Usenet systems use either C News or it's predecessor, B News. Neither of these programs are very PC compatible. The protocols, compression programs and networking software used are different from those used in PC Board BBS networks like ILink, Smartnet or Relay. Up to now, PC Board BBSs were not able to participate in Usenet. uuPCB changes that. uuPCB offers near complete integration of Usenet into your PC Board BBS. You can read and reply to Usenet "news articles" online via PC Board or via a offline reading system like QMail, Markmail, etc. What's more, uuPCB also offers complete point-to-point email capability. You can send mail to users around the world at more than 20,000 different Usenet sites. You can also send EMail to AT&T Mail, MCI Mail and Compuserve. It's easy, it's fast and it works. In fact, in our beta testing phase, our users exchanged email with users throughtout North America and around the world. We have even exchanged email with Moscow! uuPCB features: -- Supports email using domain style addressing (ie, -- Hassle free participation in Usenet newsgroups. No "UN:" or "USENET GATEWAY" flags needed in your PC Board Subject: and To: fields. Users enter their messages in a completely normal manner. No special requirements. -- Supports compressed, batched incoming news. -- Supports moderated newsgroups. Messages posted locally on your BBS are automatically mailed to the newsgroup moderator. -- Users may define Distribution (world, na, us, tx, etc) or let message default to the newsgroup default or to the systemwide default. -- Users may specify a longer subject line than the PC Board 25 character field. -- Sysop may define which segments of the USENET news file header are retained and which are discarded. -- Inserts and extracts news and mail while other PC Board nodes are online. -- Fully utilizes PC Board 15.x features including long address and subject fields. -- Supports PC Board file attachment features for incoming and outgoing email. -- Some or all messages in selected newsgroups can now be automatically archived into PKZIP files for long term storage. This is great for source files, online magazines and more! And these features are just the beginning. As uuPCB matures, more and more features will be added to provide further compatibility with Usenet. uuPCB is inexpensive. The average board can have it for less than $50. "Mega-Boards" pay a little more, but in all cases the costs are not out of line. In addition to uuPCB, two public domain and/or freeware utilities are also required. They are available for download on Ed Hopper's BBS. uuPCB has been in operation on boards around the US, Canada and Europe since January 1, 1992. For more information or to see uuPCB in action, call Ed Hopper's BBS at 404-446-9462 or call me voice at 404-446-9481 evenings (Eastern Time). You can now order uuPCB with your Visa, Master Card, Diners Club or Carte Blanche cards.