=========================================================================== SmartyPADS(tm) =========================================================================== Are all your important notes crammed into one file? Are you tired of re-opening, re-locating and re-arranging all your notes on your desktop so that they are easy to access? Are you looking for an affordable solution to these problems? If you are, then SmartyPADS is the answer. SmartyPADS is a simple Mail-Aware notekeeper that saves your notes right where you left them so you don't have to keep looking for them. Try it, you'll like it. With SmartyPADS, you can have all your important notes like "Appointments", "To-Do's" and "Goals", all arranged neatly on one desktop as windows and minimized icons. And what's more, all the notes you have opened (including the position and arrangements of the windows) are restored exactly the way you left them the previous time. And now SmartyPADS is Mail Aware! That means you can send off your notes to anyone on your network using Microsoft Mail, Lotus cc:Mail, or any other Common Mail Call, MAPI or VIM compatible mail product including those found in Windows for Workgroups, Lotus Notes and Windows NT. To see how SmartyPADS can improve your productivity, just try this simple test: 1. Run SmartyPADS. 2. Create new windows for all your important note categories (to do this, just select File-New and then save under the appropriate name using File-Save As). 3. Arrange the windows the way you want so that they're easy to access (you may want to minimize windows that aren't used as much and position their icons in a neat place). 4. Enter some information in the note windows. 5. Quit SmartyPADS. 6. Run SmartyPADS again and wa-la -- all your notes are right there at your fingertips! 7. Click on the mail icon in the toolbar to send a note to anyone on your network! If you like SmartyPADS and want to receive free upgrades to upcoming versions, then just send Check or Money Order for, $14.50 for the latest version 1.1 along with your name and address to, InfoStructs Corp. 624 West University Dr. Rochester, MI 48307 For additional information or questions, please contact Robert Thompson at CompuServe address 76114,1615.