The games in this archive were written using the Realizer Development system. THEY REQUIRE THE FILE RLZRUN10.RTS TO RUN. THE RLZRUN10.RTS FILE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS ARCHIVE. MAKE SURE THIS README-X.TXT GETS UPLOADED/DISTRIBUTED WITH THESE FILES! To run the games you must first make a directory under the Windows directory called RLZRUN10. Then copy the RLZRUN10.RTS file to that directory. The games may then be copied to any directory and run from there by using the normal Windows File/New, Run or File Manager to activate it. The *.HLP files must be in the same directory as the *.EXE. The minimum machine for acceptable performance seems to be a 386SX-20 with 2 meg of memory and an VGA. The games are copyrighted, but they are FREEWARE. You may freely distribute the games so long as ALL files are distributed with them (including this readme.txt file). You may not sell this game without permission from the author. Direct comments or questions to the author: James Waddell 610 N Alma School Rd #18 Chandler, AZ 85224-3687