STUNTS ADD-ON TRACKS, VOLUME I - NINE WILD RIDES DIXTRACK - AUTHOR: Dick Waite My first track. Dare to go 60 thru the spiral... watch the loop... don't fall off the bridge. Time to beat: 2:03.40. MATTLYNN - AUTHORS: Dick Waite / Matt Lynn Icy roads can be slippery. Watch the 90 degree turns and don't cut too many corners. There's one corner you can cut, though. Time to beat: 2:02.50. MOAK - AUTHORS: Dick Waite / Mark Walker Is there a hidden 180 degree turn? Cut corners. Watch the jumps. Time to beat: 1:19.80. CRAZYMAN - AUTHOR: Dick Waite Another hidden turn. Watch elevated turns... ouch! One of my favorites. Time to beat: 1:22.70. DIRTROAD - AUTHOR: Dick Waite Get your dirtbikes out. Take 'em for a spin... watch corners & tunnels (do I hear a broken windshield?) Time to beat: 2:21.70. MAD_DOG - AUTHOR: Jared Gumpert Curves, curves, brakes screeching... stay on the road. Time to beat: 3:16.10. PARADISE - AUTHOR: Dick Waite This is a tricky one. If you take jumps, be sure to brake in the air. Lots of 90 degree turns intertwined to confuse you, go straight at the intersections. Don't come at a tunnel from the side. Time to beat: 3:28.30. SO_LONG - AUTHOR: Jared Gumpert Don't worry. I hate this one too. I've only gone through it once (it's not hard to get sick of it) so if you beat my time... well, you get the point. Go 250 on the 6 jumps, but beware. Good for you careful, patient drivers. Time to beat: 6:28.90. GEOFF - AUTHORS: Dick Waite / Geoff Walker This is a cool one. Watch the many elevated turns, you get to jump over a bridge... for the hard-core racing driver. Don't let the ice get you down. Time to beat: 2:20.90. Have a great drive with these tracks. Buckle your seatbelt- it's gonna be a WILD RIDE! You can reach me by e-mail at the Software Creations BBS. So long. Dick Waite