To install - VBPhone 1.4 VBPhone 1.4 is a 'Bug fix Release' Unzip the files to a directory of your choice. Start the windows file manager and change your path to the temporary directory. Double Click on 'Setup.exe'. This will copy needed files to the Windows\System directory. If you want to uninstall the Vbphone, delete Vphone's directory and the following files in your Windows\System directory. VBLABEL.VBX Modems: If you have a modem and would like VBPhone to recognize it be sure you have no communication software running the first time you run VBPhone. If you do, the automatic modem search will fail. So the first time you run VBPhone disable your communications software (Terminal progs, Fax progs. etc). The modem search is only performed once. Note: VBRUN300.DLL must be in your Windows\System Directory. This File can be found on America Online or almost any BBS. The reason I did not include this is to save on download time. Tod Liverseed PO Box 422 Morristown, MN 55052 America Online: TODL101383 Internet: TODL101383@AOL.COM If after 30 days you like VBPhone and find useful please send a $10 Donation. This will help my family and ensure that i can produce quality software like VBphone. Legal Stuff I accept no responsibility or liability for anything resulting from the use, misuse of VBPhone Thanks to Mark Gamber for Hmeter.vbx