What? You didn't read readme.1st, first? Do that! Otherwise: ftp.microsoft.com:/developer/DRG/WinG/wingbt.zip This contains Beta 1 release of the WinG code (see readme.1st for a description of what this is) ftp.microsoft.com:/developer/DRG/WinG/gamesum.zip This contains "Writing HOT Games for Microsoft Windows: The Microsoft Game Developer's Handbook", a 41 page document which discusses WinG, a method to get high performance graphics output from Windows apps. CompuServe's WINMM Game Developer (section 12) is a place to go for further WinG information. Gamesum.zip contains gamesum.doc a Microsoft Word document, and gamesum.rtf, a Rich Text Format document. ftp.microsoft.com:/developer/DRG/WinG/wing.txt This is an April 26 1994 press release on WinG. Wing.txt is an ASCII test file.