existentialisme,a philosophy extrait,abstract exubérant,abundant exploiter,abuse excès,abuse exces,abuse expliquer,to account for équilibriste,acrobat equilibriste,acrobat enveloppe,enclose or surround escapade,adventure ensuite,after or afterwards en avance,early or in advance encore,again envenimer,to aggravate entente,agreement éventer,to air eventer,to air éventé,aired or vented evente,aired or vented étanche,airtight etanche,airtight excepté,all but or excepting excepte,all but or excepting épater,to amaze epater,to amaze épaté,amazed epate,amazed épatant,amazing epatant,amazing équivoque,ambiguity or ambiguous or unclear equivoque,ambiguous entre,among or between or betwixt or in the middle of or mid- et,and exsangue,anemic équerre,angle iron equerre,angle iron ennuyer,to annoy ennui,annoyance ennuyeux,annoying enrhumé,to have or get a cold enrhume,to have or get a cold escompter,anticipate étancher,to appease etancher,to appease évaluation,appraisal evaluation,appraise expertiser,to appraise évaluer,to appraise expert,appraiser environ,approximately escadron,army squadron étager,to arrange in rows etager,to arrange in rows endormi,asleep endormir,to fall asleep en colère,angry en colere,angry essayer,to try effets,belongings électricien,electrician electricien,electrician espoir,hope embranchement,junction eau,water endroit,place envoyer,to send enfants,children exterieur,out eventualité,possibility épicerie,grocery store epicerie,grocery store encore,yet or again elles,they elle,she or it endroit,place étudier,to study etudier,to study enseigner,to teach êté,summer ete,summer excellent,excellent échapper,to escape echapper,to escape éclaire,lightning or a pastry eclaire,lightning or a pastry égoiste,selfish or egotistic(al) egoiste,selfish or egotistic(al) égal,church egal,church élephant,elephant elephant,elephant école,school ecole,school encourir,to incur encourager,to encourage enduire,to coat enduit,layer engouement,obstruction or infatuation engourdissement,numbness