MICROSOFT ANTI-VIRUS SIGNATURE UPDATE *Signature File Update Information for the MS-DOS 6 Anti-Virus Program* This update works with MS-DOS 6 Anti-Virus Program V1.0 or later. To update your version of the MS-DOS 6 Anti-Virus Program, follow these steps: 1. Copy the self-extracting archive file DOSAV.EXE to a temporary directory on your hard drive. 2. Run DOSAV.EXE to extract the updated signature files, VIRSIGS.MS and VIRSIGS.CPS, and the Read Me file, README.TXT. 3. Copy the VIRSIGS.MS and the VIRSIGS.CPS files to the DOS directory on your hard drive, or the directory that contains the MS-DOS 6 Anti-virus program files. 4. Reboot your computer to invoke the new signatures when you run VSAFE. 5. Run the MS-DOS 6 Anti-Virus Program. *****************************************************************************