Conclusion. When reporting the scanners' problems, we have been intentionally harsh, in order to emphasize the elementary lack of capabilities that some (many) anti-virus products have. Judging from past experience, we are fairly certain that all anti-virus producers whose scanners are exposed as being inadequate will attack us, our testing methodology, our understanding of how their product works, and this document. They are quite welcome. We will really appreciate if we are told how to perform those actions we couldn't find out how to perform (e.g., scanning multiple floppies without leaving the scanners, listing all scanned files in the report file and not only those that the scanner considers infected, and so on). All reasonable corrections will be considered and applied if possible. However, objections of the kind "this is not a bug, it is a feature", "our customers will never need this capability", "you are the tester, figure out how to test our product; we don't care", and so on, will NOT be accepted. At last, we would like to express our hope that the users will find this document useful.