Testing Protocol. Hardware used: A 50 MHz 486 clone with 8 Mbytes of RAM, one 5.25" 1.2 Mbyte and one 3.5" 1.44 Mbyte floppy disk drives, one 311 Mbyte and one 440 Mbyte hard disks, running under DR-DOS 6.0 (patched to be able to run Windows 3.1), QEMM 6.01, and 4DOS 4.02. The virus collection occupies one 260 Mbyte partition on the second hard disk. The scanners are on a second, 180 Mbyte partition on the same hard disk. Testing the scanners on file infecting viruses. The viruses are stored in a huge subdirectory tree, the hierarchical structure of which reflects the CARO virus naming scheme, with the samples of each virus stored in the leaf directories of the tree. A virus can be (and usually is) represented by more than one replicant, although the different viruses are not represented by one and the same number of replicants. All replicants that contain one and the same virus, are stored in one and the same directory. If two files are in two different directories, this means that they contain two different viruses. All efforts have been made to ensure that the samples used during the test are natural replicants of working viruses - no Germs, or Corrupted files, or Intended viruses. Nevertheless, it is possible that we have made some mistakes in this aspect (although we believe that there are much fewer such mistakes then in other tests we have seen). If somebody notices any mistakes of this kind, we shall appreciate being told about them. Each scanner is run on this directory tree and the resulting report file is preprocessed. The preprocessing is done with a set of batch files, some Unix utiltities ported to DOS (sort, join, cut, paste, awk), and a set of awk scripts. The scripts are available in the archive SCRIPTS.ZIP. The preprocessed report contains three columns. The first column contains the directory and the file name of each file containing a virus. The second column contains the full standard CARO virus name of the virus contained in the file. The third column contains information of how the particular scanner report that virus, or blank if the scanner does not detect a virus in that particular file. Not the whole output of the scanner is contained in the third column, because this output often tends to be too verbose. We have put there only the distilled information that we have judged important for that particular scanner. If we have missed some important information, we shall appreciate being told about it. Testing the scanners on boot sector infecting viruses. The boot sector viruses are kept in a similar subdirectory tree, as files, containing the images of the infected boot sectors. For the purposes of the test, we used a program, called SimBoot, developped by Dmitry Gryaznov. This program is still under development and is not available to the general public, but we will make it available to those producers of the scanners, who have reasons to suspect that the program has unfairly interferred with their product and has not allowed it to be tested properly. The program takes a file, the first 512 bytes of which are supposed to contain the first sector of a boot sector virus. It then emulates a blank, formatted floppy disk in drive A:, the boot sector of which is replaced by the image in the file. If the file is smaller than 512 bytes, it is padded with zeroes. If the image contains a valid diskette BPB which indicates a particular diskette size, a diskette with that particular size is emulated. If a valid BPB is not found, a 360 Kb diskette is emulated. Currently only the first sector of the boot sector virus is put on the emulated diskette. The program SimBoot is able to handle complete viruses, consisting of several sectors, but this requires that the file image of the virus conforms to a particular format. We did not have the time to prepare all our boot sector viruses in this way, although we are considering to do this in the future. One major flaw of this approach is that hard disk, and respectively MBRs are not emulated. The testing of a virus which infects only MBRs (e.g., Tequila) but not boot sectors of floppy disks, is still done by putting an image of the infected MBR on the boot sector of the simulated diskette. We understand that this is not very correct - a scanner may refuse to look for a particular virus on a diskette boot sector, if it knows that this particular virus just cannot be there. The author of SimBoot is considering to improve it in the future, in order to make it able to simulate hard disks too. Once SimBoot creates the simulated infected diskette, it runs the scanner to be tested, as specified in the configuration file for this scanner. (The configuration files are available in the archive SCRIPTS.ZIP.) The scanner is supposed to scan the diskette (SimBoot intercepts all INT 13h requests to drive A: and redirects them to access the simulated diskette), report its status in the report file, and prompt the user to insert the next diskette to be scanned. SimBoot intercepts the prompt and simulates user input from the keyboard. Both the prompt and the required user input are specified in the configuration file for each scanner. SimBoot is able to handle scanners that write their prompts directly to the video RAM. It is also able to handle scanners that poll directly the keyboard when waiting for user input, instead of using the BIOS. Unfortunately, this capability does not work under QEMM. SimBoot is able even to simulate changing the status of the floppy drive from Closed to Open and then again to Closed, in order to handle those scanners which poll the DiskChanged line, in order to figure out when the user has put a new diskette. The resulting report of each scanner is further preprocessed with a similar set of batch files and awk scripts as the report of the file virus scanning. Creating the final summary of the results. The files containing the preprocessed information mentioned above are huge. They are not included in this archive. Instead, they were made available via anonymous ftp from our site. The name of the site is ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de, the IP address is, the name of the directory containing the results is /pub/virus/texts/tests, and the preprocessed report for each scanner (separately for file and for boot sector infecting viruses) is storred in an archive, the name of which suggests the name and the version number of the scanner tested. Those results were further proprocessed with several awk scripts, in order to obtain the data for the summaries listed in the file RESULTS.TXT.