CONVERSIONS WITH RENEGADE and TELEGARD -------------------------------------- This portion pertains to setting up THD as a file convertor with TG or RG. The following applies to both. If you intend to do conversions, do so in the following manner... In TG or RG's archive configuration, set the compression line to "EXIT" and the expansion line to THDPRO.EXE @F /KO /CO TOZIP (in TG) or THDPRO.EXE %F /KO /CO TOZIP %P (in RG) Note that the "TOZIP" above can be any of the convert indicators used by THDPRO.EXE. This will enable TG/RG to change the filename itself (although THD will do so if the old filename is in the Database at the time of conversion). The "/KO" parameter will tell THD to NOT delete the original after a successful conversion. In this way TG or RG will find the original (as it expects to) and delete it if the conversion was successful. FILE DESCRIPTION SUPPORT FOR TELEGARD (Diz importation) ------------------------------------------------------- THDPLUS.EXE must be run after the file has been entered into the database in order for the info to be updated. The way THDPRO.EXE will accomplish this is as follows. When THD is run, it will test the file as usual and if the entry cannot be found in TG's database, it will create a file called "TESTINFO.DAT". This file will contain the necessary information to update the database after the entry has been made. In this way, on it's next run THD will update the database. For those who do not wish to wait for this to happen the following is a reasonable work-around (kludge) that will accomplish the desired results. If you need (or want) THD to update the database immediately following an upload, I suggest that you add another "upload" command immediately after the already present one. Note that the second upload command should simply shell to dos and run "THDPLUS.EXE". This command will simply update the databases based on the contents of TESTINFO.DAT and will attempt no remote output or logging of any kind. This was done to increase the speed of the operation. Alternately, you can run THDPRO.EXE DIZ as with older versions and THDPRO.EXE will run THDPLUS.EXE at a slight cost of speed. The commandkeys for the second upload command should be "D-" and the mstring should be the complete path and filename to THDPLUS.EXE. CMDkey = D- Mstring = C:\THDPRO\THDPLUS.EXE or alternately CMDkey = D- Mstring = C:\THDPRO\THDPRO.EXE DIZ This second upload command should immediately follow the first so that it is performed immediately following the actual upload. Also note that this command "should" be hidden. If you do not understand this text, please ask a sysop in your area for assistance, since as a TG BBS goes, this is relatively simple stuff. This text relates more directly to Telegard since RG automatically imports the file_id.diz. The above method will accomplish those results for Telegard, or update the name change after a file conversion (if necessary) for either TG or RG. Although the name change will not be necessary if the conversion method outlined above is used. IMPORTANT... ------------ TG and RG batch uploads will NOT be processed by THD for this purpose (updating databases). Since, when TG and RG do batch uploads, there is no way for THD to know which filebase the uploaded files will end up in. TESTINFO.DAT will hold up to 50 entries before discarding them. The logic being that if the file still isn't in the database after 50 attempts to update it... then odds are pretty good that it's not going to be in the near future. Note also that TESTINFO.DAT will be processed on EVERY run if it exists. The "DIZ" parameter is for use ONLY when you want "JUST" DIZ processing. ie. a normal test and/or conversion will process the TESTINFO.DAT file if it exists as well as running the test/conversion process.