ELPL NIKE TOUR(Conditions Divison)RULES Oct 5, 1994 Welcome to the ELPL: The ELPL is a scratch and handicap computer golf league for the owners of Links386 Pro from Access software. This league has been formed for people who enjoy playing the best sports simulation game on the market, Links386 Pro. The NIKE TOUR consists of 4 rounds per tournament using a different course for each round and varying conditions(Wind and Green). A 1 or 2 round Team Play(optional)will also be played. This will begin Tournament 12. Rules for Team Play will be sent in a separate text file(TEAMRULE.TXT). When you print these rules, the NIKE TOUR schedule will print on a separate sheet by themself that can be detached and posted next to your computer. These are actual NIKE TOUR events. TOURNAMENT PROCEDURE USING DOLINKS When you play in the ELPL NIKE TOUR for the 1st time using DOLINKS, you will receive the following files in zip form at the start date of your 1st ELPL NIKE TOUR tournament at a time between 9 p.m. and Midnight on Sunday. DOLINKS.EXE ELPLRNDS.ZIP These files MUST be downloaded into your LINKS386 directory. In each ELPL NIKE TOUR stop after this, you will only receive a new: ELPLRNDS.ZIP This file MUST be downloaded into your LINKS386 directory overwriting the old ELPLRNDS.ZIP if it is present. IMPORTANT! DO NOT attempt to unzip ELPLRNDS.ZIP. It is passworded and is not meant to be unzipped. Also from time to time we will make improvements to DOLINKS.EXE. When you receive a new DOLINKS.EXE, you **MUST** also move this file into your Links386 directory, overwriting any DOLINKS.EXE that may be present. ** CONTINUE NEXT PAGE ** PLAYING A ELPL NIKE TOUR ROUND DOLINKS is a very simple tournament interface that requires that you respond to a couple menus, then just relax and play golf. Here is the step by step procedure for running DOLINKS. 1) Once you've received an ELPLRNDS.ZIP file from the ELPL, put ELPLRNDS.ZIP into your Links386 Pro Directory, log onto your Links386 direcory so you have the following prompt C:\>LINKS386 OR D:\>LINKS386 Then type the following: DOLINKS <3 inits> (PRESS ENTER KEY) Example: DOLINKS DMH (PRESS ENTER KEY) Note: Multiple players can now play together from the same computer by typing the following: Example: DOLINKS DMH DJJ (PRESS ENTER KEY) REMEMBER, YOU MUST USE DOLINKS FOR ALL ELPL ROUNDS OR YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FOR THE TOURNAMENT. 2) The screen will clear and you will see something like the following: 1 - Senior Tour 2 - Senior Tour w/Match Play 3 - Nike Tour 4 - Nike Tour Team Play 5 - Pro Tour (Season 4, Jan 95) 6 - Pro Tour Skins Play (Season 4, Jan 95) Enter your choice(1, 2, 3, 4 or Esc)? The ELPL NIKE TOUR uses selection 3 for regular rounds and 4 for Team Play rounds. After you have made your selection, you will see something like: Are you sure you want to play Nike round 1 w/conditions(Y/N)? IMPORTANT! If you answer Y to the above prompt, there is no turning back for this round. You MUST play the round at this point. If you answer yes, you will see this summary of your upcoming round for Example: (CONTINUE NEXT PAGE) Make a note of the following Nike round 1 conditions... Course: TROON NORTH Tees: RED Wind: BREEZY Greens: SOFT IMPORTANT! It is the player's responsibility to set the correct settings and print scorecard and game stats at the end of the round. It doesn't matter if you don't have a printer or if it's off-line, just ignore the error message and do not retry. Also, according to ELPL rules, if you do not have the course shown above, you may always use the Harbour Town course as an alternate (same tees/conditions) with stroke compensation as described therein. Saved shot format is as follows: <(S)enior/(N)ike/(T)eam/(P)ro/(S)kins> example: DMH10AS1 DO NOT save any shots for Match, Pro or Team rounds Press any key to continue... **DON'T FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE INFO OR PRINT THE SCREEN** **DON'T FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE INFO OR PRINT THE SCREEN** **DON'T FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE INFO OR PRINT THE SCREEN** **DON'T FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE INFO OR PRINT THE SCREEN** **DON'T FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE INFO OR PRINT THE SCREEN** DOLINKS will now send you into Links386 to play your round. IMPORTANT! Make sure you play this round using player ELPL example ELPL DMH. All rounds **MUST** be played with your ELPL LINKS386 or D:\>LINKS386. 2. From here type the following DIR *.ZIP player is used ONLY in conjunction with DOLINKS****NEVER PRACTICE A ROUND USING THE ELPL PLAYER OR DOLINKS* **THE ELPL PLAYER AND DOLINKS IS USED FOR ELPL TOURNAMENT PLAY ONLY Due to DOLINKS, the following deadlines only need to be met when: TO BE INCLUDED IN 2ND ROUND DEADLINE: FRIDAY MIDNIGHT OF 1ST WEEK LEADERBOARD NEED: 2 NIKE TOUR ROUNDS 1ST ROUND TEAM PLAY DEADLINE SUNDAY NOON OF 1ST WEEK NEED: 1ST ROUND TEAM PLAY ROUND TO BE INCLUDED IN FINAL DEADLINE: FRIDAY MIDNIGHT OF 2ND WEEK LEADERBOARD(VERY IMPORTANT) NEED: ALL 4 NIKE TOUR ROUNDS 2ND ROUND TEAM PLAY DEADLINE SUNDAY NOON OF 2ND WEEK NEED: 2ND ROUND TEAM PLAY ROUND Refer to your Links386 Pro Manual as to how to select the tee box and shirt color . Your player must be set on PRO SETTING with NO GIMMIES OR MULLIGANS. You can use the caddy function if you want to. All Tournament rounds MUST BE PLAYED ALONE. The only exception to this is if 2 members from the same family or 2 friend who want to play their rounds at the same time. NO PLAYING AGAINST A DEFAULT PLAYER. If two family members or friends play a round together, they **MUST** type the following DOLINKS DJJ DMH NOTE: REPLACE THESE INITIALS WITH YOURS Since we play with conditions, the following will not be allowed for Season 3. 2. SLICING AND HOOKING OFF THE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE OF SCREEN. This is a flaw in the Links386 Pro engine where for example on hole 1 at Manua Kea, if a member aims off the screen right and choses to slice, the ball will go through the trees and go onto the green. ANY SHOT THAT IS AIMED OFF THE SCREEN RIGHT OR LEFT WILL NEVER HIT A OBSTRUCTION EVEN IF ONE IS THERE. A member will be disqualified if I ever view this happening. As long as your alignment stick is on the screen, you are OK. C. Special shots(saved in the following format): DOLINKS will tell you what to name your shots. Your shots should be named as follows: For example: DJJ11AN1.SHT DJJ=My Initials DJJ11AN2.SHT 11=Tournament # DJJ11BN1.SHT AN=Round # BN=Round # DJJ11BN2.SHT 1=Shot 1 2=Shot 2 (CONTINUED NEXT PAGE) The zip file should be e-mailed with attachment to DOUG JENSEN on or before the deadline you want to meet. THIS IS FOR NON-AOL USERS ONLY. Starting season 3, American Online subscribers must send your file e-mail with attachment to the following before the deadlines you want to meet: DUFFERDOUG, JeffKisler **BOTH MEMBERS MUST GET YOUR FILES** Jeff is helping me with the Money leaderboard files. Just set up an ELPL address book with the above screen names included. Then when your file is sent, It is sent to each of the above members mailbox. At the end of the season, The leader of the scratch and the handicap division of the ELPL NIKE TOUR will be announced. The fantasy money breakdown to determine our champions in both divisions are. 1st Place 100,000.00 11th Place 10,000.00 Scratch and Handicap 2nd Place 75,000.00 12th Place 9,000.00 divisions use the same 3rd Place 60,000.00 13th Place 8,000.00 money system. 4th Place 45,000.00 14th Place 7,000.00 5th Place 35,000.00 15th Place 6,000.00 We will have 2 or more 6th Place 25,000.00 flights when 16 members 7th Place 20,000.00 participate in a division. 8th Place 15,000.00 9th Place 13,000.00 10th Place 11,000.00 Special Bonus monies will be given for the following special shots 1. Hole in One 10,000.00 Hole in one on Par 4 counts 2. Double Eagle 10,000.00 once for 10,000.00 3. Any full swing shot in hole 7,500.00 4. >70 ft putt in hole 5,000.00 5. Any Chip shot in hole 2,500.00 6. Par 4 <5 Feet(Hit from Tee) 1,000.00 7. Par 3 <3 Feet(Hit from Tee) 1,000.00 **FOR NEW MEMBERS** To play in the Handicap Division, members must have at least 5 scores turned in so they can get a handicap. For new members wanting to join please send me 5 gamstats.prn files(any course and tee) so I can get your handicap established. Here is how: 1. Play a round using any course and tee and any conditions you chose. 2. Make sure you print your scorcard and stats. 3. Now return to your Links386 Directory either C:\>LINKS386 OR D:\>LINKS386. 4. Type the following: REN GAMSTATS.PRN NIKEHAN1.STT