Thank You for Downloading the ELPL Links386 Pro Tournament Info file. The following files are included in ELPL.ZIP 1. DOLINKS.EXE-----The Tournament interface program 2. ELPLRNDS.ZIP----The Info for a ELPL Tournament used by DOLINKS.EXE 3. READ1ST.TXT-----This File 4. DOLSETUP.TXT----Setup instructions for using DOLINKS 5. ELPLBIO.TXT-----Questionaire form 6. SENRULES.TXT----Senior Tour Rules 7. NIKERULE.TXT----Nike Tour Rules 8. MTCHRULE.TXT----Match Play Rules 9. TEAMRULE.TXT----Team Play Rules Here are the few simple steps to begin play in the ELPL: 1. Read DOLSETUP.TXT which is setup instructions for DOLINKS 2. Read SENRULES.TXT and NIKERULE.TXT which are rules files for the 2 Tours run by the ELPL 3. Fill out ELPLBIO.TXT and return to me. 4. Copy ELPLRNDS.ZIP and DOLINKS.EXE into your Links386 Directory. Thats it. Now you are ready to play Links386 Pro the DOLINKS way Please let me know if you have any questions about setting up DOLINKS or running it. If you want to join this great Links386 Pro League, contact the name below. My name is Doug Jensen. If I cannot be reached at the BBS you downloaded this file from, you can reach me at my internet address Thank You for your interest in the ELPL. Hope you will become a member. Doug Jensen(DUFFERDOUG)