DEAR FRIEND: Meet MarketMasterä: Your Key to Instant Mastery of Financial Market Profits ... Is it possible to know price tops and bottoms not after, but before, they occur?. Taking a step further, is it possible to know not just the direction, but also the extent of price movement before they occur? Finally, if such technology is theoretically possible, has it been reduced to practice? The answer to all the above is YES! This wonderful technology is now embodied in an extremely easy to use and affordable computer program called MarketMaster which runs on any IBM PC or clone with 512K of RAM and 950K of disk space. MarketMasterä is unusual and different from everything else out there. It is the world's FIRST and ONLY true price forecaster that internally generate LEADING INDICATORS to forecast not only the direction but also the extent of price movement BEFORE it happens. MarketMaster is capable of amazingly accurate ADVANCE price forecasts for ALL stocks, market indices, futures and mutual funds. It gives you TREMENDOUS EDGE in timing your trades. MarketMaster was created for the busy, results-oriented individual investor. It provides disabusing price forecasts that are extremely easy to understand and use. Checking its forecasts provides you with unique insights to Wall Street's game plans and plots. All forecasts are displayed graphically for clear-cut, at-a-glance decision-making and immediate profitable action. MarketMaster's unique battery of powerful LEADING INDICATORS has set a REVOLUTIONARY NEW STANDARD for forecasting power, against which all other timing software will be judged. LAGGING INDICATORS ARE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR WEALTH AND HEALTH ... Today you can easily pay thousands of dollars for investment software that uses lagging indicators. Lagging indicators merely use the present to "confirm" the past. That's why they lag. Using lagging indicators is about as safe and profitable as driving your car forward while watching the rearview mirror. It's just a matter of time before a fatal collision. Software systems that rely on lagging indicators create illusory "forecasts" to give you a false sense of security. Remember, the road to financial misfortune is paved with rearview "knowledge". Yet this is exactly what millions do each day to while away their time before the computer. It is nice pastime, if you truly enjoy it and have time to burn, but the price of excessive commissions, repeated whipsaws, large drawdowns, even forced liquidations takes a heavy toll. Organic symptoms of anxiety, worry, indecision, loss of self-confidence, irritability, plus fatigue, hypertension, ulcers, insomnia, even alopecia, are not unheard of among users of lagging systems. Being totally broke and out of the market may well be the ultimate humiliation. WHY YOU DON'T HEAR MUCH ABOUT MARKETMASTER ... Although leading investment firms and financial advisors use MarketMaster, they don't publicize it at all. It would hardly be in their best interest to help you gain an "ace in the hole". They would rather take all the credit and never tell you about our ridiculously simple and easy to use software that takes only several minutes a day and which can turn any user into an instant "financial genius", and that's in BOTH Bull and BEAR Markets. You've heard of many software systems that claim to help you invest or trade. Some even claim to forecast prices even though none (except ours) is capable of true ADVANCE forecasts of DIRECTION, MAGNITUDE and TARGET of future price movements. Yes, our software does all that effortlessly and displays the forecasts in multi-colors on your computer monitor for instant, at-a-glance decision-making and profitable action. WHY DO WE MAKE MARKETMASTER AVAILABLE ... We release MarketMaster because managing your own money is homework you simply cannot delegate to someone else. But to do it right, you need the help of MarketMaster. Unlike lagging systems, the more people there are using a leading system such as MarketMaster, the better it will perform. That is because there will be fewer uninformed investors delaying your price objective by going against the correct forecasted price movement, which is not obvious to users of lagging systems. The current Bear Market can be EXTREMELY profitable (not just for Wall Street but for YOU too) if you take advantage of it with the best forecasts and bear market strategies. Don't just let the short- selling Wall Street power elite pocket all your and others' sweat equity in this Bear Market. Use MarketMaster and gain the true clout you need to stake your rightful claim on Wall Street wealth, and be taken seriously with tangible results. Using anything else is mere bluff and risks defeat. WHAT USERS SAY ABOUT MARKETMASTER ... Take a look at the comments and feedback of happy owners of Market MasterTM . The sooner you join the thousands who have discovered Market Master, the sooner you benefit from its extraordinary power to produce profits. To sample-quote the many happy Market Master owners: "...[F]inally, a forecasting software that does what it claims to do!"; "...It's worth many times its cost."; ".. [T]he price is an incredible bargain! It is worth much more!". Market Master is truly your secret weapon to amass profits with minimal risk. It is your key to instant mastery of financial market profits. Each day of delay in using MarketMaster invisibly costs you plenty in missed profits and preventable losses. You know these opportunity costs are just as real as cash. Yet a fully functional 2-month trial version of MarketMaster is only $49 (plus $10 S&H), and fully credited towards purchase. R.M.C. P.O. Box 60842, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0842 Phone: (408) 773-8715 Copyright (c) 1994 by R.M.C. All rights reserved.