The most current version of the appointment program is version 3.90. Below is a list of the program enhancements for this version. v3.90 Under 3 Utilities number 6 allows customization of the types of appointments. Other minor bug fixes. v3.85 The program now has the capability of printing calendar listings 2 ways, Complete - Giving date, day, appointment, type, time of appointment. Brief - Giving date, day appointment in 12 CPI. It also prints the number of days that the report is for. On the bottom of the forms, when more than one sheet is required prints logo. Included in the ditribution disk you should find a laser.bat. Due to the program being primarily compatible with EPSON printers you can start the program using the laser.bat if you have an HP series II. The printer driver is still under revision so if something doesn't work exactly as you'd hoped drop me a line and I'll see if I can correct it. v3.75 The program has the capability of storing each individuals information in a seperate file. To do this just use the program configuration to establish a program data file. In order for the program to use the data file you must allow the program to setup the file for you. It will establish 1 day for each day of the year, including January 1st of the following year. This is to establish dates for your appointments and not allow duplicate entries. You can now print for a specific number of days. The only catch is that if you specify more days than are left in the data file the print out will only supply you with the remaining days. You now have the ability to print your appointments to the screen. More improvements are in the works.......... Please Register this copy and keep Shareware alive........ Future Print for specific type of appointment. Enter for multiple days i.e. classes.