March 16, 1990 REVIEW OF THE METHOD OF GREENING YOUR CD'S FOR BETTER QUALITY by Phillip Boucher We have come to think of technology as surpassing anything as simple as a magic marker, yet the recent announcement many of us have heard, seen, or read seems to reaffirm the belief that simple things are sometimes better things. Two days ago I read in the paper that by covering the inside and outside edges of a CD with a green felt tip marker, you could improve the performance of your CD, the reason given being that since the laser beam is green (I always thought it was red) the green marking absorbs stray laser light, thus increasing laser performance upon the CD disc. Today I saw a demonstration of this on a newscast, with several audiophiles stating that, yes, in their opinion, the 'greening' of the CD does, in fact, increase the clarity and reduce the hiss upon that CD being played. Being a sceptic, plus also being interested in such a weird type of thing, I purchased a green felt tip marker and tried it on my CD's. Well, friends, not only did my CD's sound better (jazz, rock, and classical), but several CD's in which my player had a hard time handling (skips, not locating tracks, locking up,) virtually disappeared! I was thoroughly amazed! A $1.99 marker actually increased clarity and performance of each CD, in my player anyway (first generation Realistic). Try it yourself and I am sure you will be amazed. For the investment of 2 or 3 green felt tip markers, you could set up all of your CD's for the optimum in listening enjoyment! COPYRIGHT PHILLIP BOUCHER 1990 PUBLISHED BY JOE SKYFOOT WORD AND MUSIC CREATIONS ETOBICOKE, ONTARIO