%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CHEX-MASTER Version 2.0 Written and produced by: %% %% * * * * %% %% TOTAL LOGISTICS CONSULTING * * * %% %% 565 PLEASANT STREET We Serve YOU With * TLC * %% %% CHAMBERSBURG PA. 17201 (c) * * %% %% COMPU-SERVE ID# 71650,3665 * * %% %% * %% %% Copyright (c) Total Logistics Consulting 1989. All Rights Reserved. %% %% CHEX-MASTER and LOGO are trademarks of Total Logistics Consulting. %% %% %% %% This program is a "SHARE-WARE" package. It is NOT FREEware nor is it %% %% Public Domain. Please copy and distribute the entire package "AS IS". %% %% You are NOT authorized to modify this program package in any way !!! %% %% Use it and see if you are satisfied with its performance ! If you are %% %% and it meets your needs, please send $ 24 plus $ 5 S+H to the above %% %% address. More details on this inside. If not, I would really like to %% %% hear your suggestions. Use above address or COMPU-SERVE number. %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WELCOME to the exciting world of CHEX-MASTER !! Our mission here today will be to explore new frontiers of check and budget control that perhaps you have never ventured into before. YOU will be at the helm, charting a course through the miry swamps of "BUDGETLAND" and capturing those slippery and elusive "DOLLARS". Feel the excitement as you unleash a salvo of checks from your fully automated "TURBO-CHEXWRITER" against that nemesis of deep space, the dreaded "BILLS!!!". Finally, as we move into warp speed, you will arrive in the galaxy of "BUDGET MANAGEMENT". There, armed with the secret "CODES", you will bring order and control to the land of "FINANCES", aided by your "EIGHT ACCOUNTS". At your disposal will be the powerful "LORD ACCOUNT-ANALYSIS", who will supply you with a detailed reporting of the affairs of your kingdom. Aided by the invincible "SEARCHERS", your control will be absolute, as you search and find any check or deposit instantly. NONE WILL BE ABLE TO RESIST YOU !! Added to this, at the turn of each new year, when the TWIN-SUNS are at their zenith, all of your checks and deposits will be automatically backed up and the power of your kingdom will be renewed. So blast off SCOTTY !!! Let us begin. CHEX-MASTER is brought to you by TOTAL LOGISTICS CONSULTING. The program runs under D-Base III. A detailed discussion of the various features will follow as we go through the two basic parts of the package, the "SETUP" and the "CHECK" programs. It is distributed as SHAREWARE. This concept allows you to try the program of your choice out first at no cost to see if you like it, and if it meets your needs. If it does, and you decide to use it on a continuing basis, you are expected to become a REGISTERED USER. To do so, use the application form at the end of this instruction manual to mail in your $ 24 plus $ 5 S+H registration fee. Upon its being received, you will be assigned a registration number, and your name will be entered into our files. This will assure that you will be informed of new products that you might be interested in, plus updates, changes, and improvements to the CHEX-MASTER system. This is primarily a 'DEMO" version. It IS, however, fully functional, except as the following makes note of. You will be sent a new disk with the latest version of the program, minus the copyright screen, so that you may enter directly into the program. I will also inform you as to what check this program is set up to print, as well as a source for these checks. In addition, certain of the "POWER" features, such as TRANSFER FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS, PRINT ACCOUNT SUMMARIES, AUTO YEAR-END BACKUP, SEARCH ON CHECK OR DEPOSIT, and EXPANDED ACCOUNT "D", which are disabled on the 'demo' version will be activated ! These "POWER" features are marked with a {*P*} symbol on the program menus. You will also receive an expanded version of 'tips and operating procedures' describing in greater detail how some of the more intricate features of the program operate, and how to use them. You will also find out how to transfer your manual checkbook over to CHEX-MASTER. On the ACCOUNT STATISTICS frame, you will also note that there is a {*B*} symbol next to the PRESS { C }. This is a special feature available on the BUSINESS VERSION being offered for $44 + $5 S+H. See the order form at the end of the user's manual. The BUSINESS VERSION provides a detailed summary of the "C" ACCOUNT by account codes, plus various statistics such as net and gross income and expenses. It also provides a DETAIL FILE, in which a detailed account of expenses can be maintained, both manually and automatically from checks written. Finally, there is a special code which can be placed on a check entry, that will call up the detail file automatically to allow that check amount to be broken down into detail (such as a credit card payment). An overview of the various features of the CHEX-MASTER program are as follows: 1 } Permanent file of checks to be printed. 2 } Manual entry of checks to be printed. 3 } Entries from a manual check book to be added to the online check system. 4 } Eight 'sub-accounts' within the master account, each auto- matically updated by codes added to check and deposit entries. 5 } Automatic reconciliation to bank statement by entering only check sequence number, deposit date and amount, and bank statement balance. 6 } Direct transfer of funds between accounts on a simple to use transfer screen. 7 } Prints checks. 8 } Prints a variety of functional registers selected from a menu to either screen or printer. 9 } Searches out a given check by 'pay-to' name and date, or a deposit by amount and date. 10 } Prints a detailed summary of account activity broken down by account and account codes for any selected year. 11 } Displays an "ACCOUNT STATISTICS" screen summarizing various key account information. 12 } Menu-selected 'backup to floppy disk' option. 13 } Automatically backs-up previous years check and deposit files and prints summary of years activity at turn of new year. 14 } Check sequence number and date automatically inserted into check and deposit entries. 15 } Security feature requiring entry of bank account number in order to access check system. 16 } Extensive error checking and reporting is used to maintain the integrity of the database at all points in the package. I suggest that the first thing that you do, after having read this discussion and operating instructions for the "CHEX-MASTER" system, is to select the "CHECK" option and, using the values already in the program, familiarize your- self with it. Experiment with it, select the various options, enter 'dummy' data and get the feel of how it works. Then, when you feel comfortable with the program and are ready to set it up to maintain YOUR check and budget system, select the "SETUP" program option. This will allow you to define the operating parameters and values that the "CHECK" program needs to operate. You will find (hopefully) that both the "CHECK" and "SETUP" programs are pretty much 'self-defining'.That is, both have notes and operating instructions liberally scattered throughout at strategic points, giving you instructions as to what to do at a given point. Upon entering the "SETUP" program, you will be confronted with a warning message ! As the message says, you will only be able to run the first part of "SETUP" once, as it zeros and defines numerous registers and variables. If you ever need to run this part again, it will be necessary to reinstall the whole package from scratch. Next you will be assigning account names and other data. The first item to be defined is the bank account number of the checking account which this program will be working with. This is needed for security access. Once it is entered into the program, entry can only be gained to the check system by entering this number. You may access the demo check program by just hitting { ENTER } since no number is assigned. Item two will be to assign the starting sequence number of the checks you intend to print. Program requirements are that it must be 5,000 or above!! Remember this when you order checks. Item number three defines the minimum amount that you want the bank balance to drop to. A warning message will be displayed if it drops below this value. Within the "CHECK" program, there are 8 individual accounts maintained within 1 physical checking account. That is, you will have 1 checking account at the bank within which will be automatically maintained 8 separate accounts. These accounts may be each assigned names of up to 22 characters. The letters "A-H" will also be added to deposit entries so as to allow the deposits to be automatically distributed to the correct account. In the following two items, you will be defining first, the bank at which you maintain the checking account, and second, another financial institution with which you transfer funds. When you write a check TO the second institution, using ACCOUNT CODE "I", the balance entry on the "ACCOUNT STATISTICS" frame is updated. If a deposit is made FROM the second institution using ACCOUNT CODE "I", the balance will be also updated. A VERY important point ! ALL check activity MUST be with BANK 1. BANK 2 is merely a holding point( one paying a higher rate of interest) in to and out of which funds can be transfered. Of the last two items on this screen, the first will allow you to bypass some of the HELP messages by entering a "Y". Use this option as you become more familiar with the system and no longer need the assist messages. The second option will allow the year to be automatically set to the current year in the date field when entering deposits to be reconciled. Type "A" to activate AUTO mode or "M" if you wish manual entry. All of the remaining items apply only to REGISTERED USER'S, and are explained in the REGISTERED USER'S GUIDE. You are now ready to define the account codes of which I have been speaking. These codes will also be added to your check entries when they are made. This way, the checks may be totaled by category, and accounts automatically updated. Acts."A" and "C" each have 12 codes. Acct."B" has 14. Acts."D","E", and "F" each have 2. Acts. "G" and "H" have none. However, each account in reality has one more code since "00" (ie, A00 ) is also a usable code. You will next be asked whether or not you wish to use the DOS "XCOPY" command or the "COPY" command to save your data files at the end of a session. If you have DOS "XCOPY" available, by ALL means use it. It will allow a save of only those files that were actually changed, rather than backing up everything. If you will be running on a hard drive, no other action will be necessary. If you will be using a "floppy only" system, you will have to use the DOS "COPY" command to copy "XCOPY" on to the DBASE III disk that REMAINS IN THE DRIVE ! This is because "XCOPY" is an external rather than an internal command. If you are running from either drive "C" or "D", the next item you will come to is the DOS batch file that is used to save your data files to floppy disk. It is currently set to save the files to both drives A and B. This assumes that you have both a 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 inch drive. I strongly recommend that, if you have them, to use both drives for backup. You will accumulate a lot of valuable data in your files, and the safer you can be in backing it up, the better. You will definitely want to run the "SAVE" option at least once a month, maybe more often. In any case, if you only have, or only want to use, one drive, alter the "SAVE" program per the commands at the top of the screen. You are looking at the "MODIFY COMMAND" option. If you are not familiar with it, consult your D-Base user's guide. The final item under "SETUP", and the heart of the Check Management Program, is the "PERMANENT CHECK FILE".This is the file in which you will store the check data for those checks which are written on a recurring basis. You will then be given the option in the "CHECK" program of printing these with no further entries on your part. Placing a value of zero in the amount field will give you the option when running the "CHECK" program of whether or not you want the check to print at a given time. Also, you will not want to enter an amount right now unless it is the same amount that is going to print every time. In the "CHECK" program you will be given an option to change the check amount. This WILL NOT change the value stored in this PERMANENT FILE. It will only change the amount that will print to the check for that ONE time. Any entry with a zero amount will NOT print and will NOT be entered into the CHECK REGISTER !! *** NOTE *** Make sure you enter a { P } into the { V } field !! As I said at the beginning, these steps that we have just gone through can be repeated at ANY time to reconfigure your check system. However, there will be some things set up on the FIRST run of "SETUP" which WILL NOT repeat. These values will be AUTOMATICALLY protected in as much as that portion of the program will be 'locked out' from running again. I suggest that you run the check program and become familiar with it using the values and data that are installed when you receive it. Then, when you are comfortable with the program, go ahead and configure it to your specifications. We will next be looking at the "CHECK" program screen by screen, and becoming familiar with its many and varied functions, features, and operations. As I said earlier, as you run the "CHECK" program, you will find scattered throughout it many instruction messages telling you what to enter or what to do at various places. Therefore, a detailed set of operating instructions should NOT be necessary. If you should have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact me by letter or through Compu-Serve. Upon choosing the "CHECK" option, the first thing that you will need to do is to enter your account access number that you assigned in "SETUP". If you enter an invalid number, you will be taken back to D-Base and will have to start over again. At this point, you will also be confronted with a message : ******************************************************************************* WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******************************************************************************* THIS IS V-E-R-Y IMPORTANT !! If D-Base should encounter any program level error, it will display a message giving you an option to cancel (C), suspend (S), or ignore (I). Reply ONLY suspend (S), and then press the { F9 } key. This will return you to the main menu where you can see about correcting the problem. To do ANYTHING ELSE will result in your losing valuable account data and having to go back and restore from your backup disk !! There also seems to be a peculiarity of D-BASE III which can cause you a problem if you are not careful. It seems that if you try to continually select one option after another within the menu system without exiting to DOS or D-BASE, you will eventually get an error message. This message says "Do's nested too deep", and gives you three options. Reply * ONLY* { S }, or SUSPEND. After this, type "CLOSE DATA BASE", and then "QUIT". You may then type "DO MENU" to reenter CHEX-MASTER. To avoid this problem, don't select more than six options without exiting to DOS or D-BASE, and then returning to CHEX-MASTER. Also, at the changing of the year, a message will be displayed advising you that it is time to run an account summary and transfer last years files to an archive file. This is an automatic function; just reply { Y } and it will all be taken care of. NOTE : This function is only enabled to REGISTERED USERS. Let's now take a look at the options presented by the "ACCOUNT CONTROL MENU": 1 } This is the option that is used to enter check information. If you have NOT assigned a starting check sequence number or, if you have incorrectly assigned one LESS THAN 5,000, you will see a message informing you of this fact. Also, if your bank balance drops below the value you have defined, you will be appraised as to this. There are three different forms of check entry that you will be presented with. The first is the PERMANENT CHECK FILE which you should have already set up. The next is the option to print additional checks NOT found in the PERMANENT FILE. The last allows you to also use a regular manual check register to write misc. everyday checks from, and then enter the register information into the computer file. If you do this, make sure that each check also includes a usage code (A01, B01, etc.) so that the internal accounts will be updated. Also, the checks MUST be written from the SAME physical bank account with the SAME account number. The manual checks must have sequence numbers from 1 to 4,9999. Again, the note field is just for your information - the program doesn't use it for anything. It is a very helpful idea to put the account number for bills you are paying in it. The ACCOUNT CODE entry is the A01, B01, C01, etc. codes that you assigned in "SETUP". These will automatically update the 8 accounts, give you a means of budget control, and provide a detailed printout of where money is spent. This is one of the POWERFUL features of this package. By the way, these codes are NOT an option. The program will NOT work without them. Therefore, it will NOT allow you not to enter them. You will get an error message if you don't, or they are not correct. I also strongly recommend that ALL entries be made in UPPER CASE for the sake of uniformity within the database. Some important fields are forced to upper- case. Moving along, you will next be asked if you wish to change the AMOUNT of any check entry. You will also see displayed 4 lines; the first the name of the "B" account, and B111 - B112 - B113 along with four values. Just ignore these for now, their usage is detailed in the REGISTERED USER'S GUIDE. The important thing here is that those check entries that were given a zero AMOUNT in the PERMANENT CHECK FILE can now be filled in. Remember, ANY CHECK WITH A ZERO AMOUNT beyond this point will neither print nor be saved in the check register !! Finally, before account updating takes place, you will be given one last opportunity to verify ALL of your entries and make any needed changes or corrections. IMPORTANT NOTE !! If you have any ADDITIONS to make, do them BEFORE doing CORRECTIONS. Extensive error checking is built into ALL phases of this package in order to maintain the integrity of the databases. Here, as well as in the DEPOSIT OPTION, if an data error is detected, the accounts are NOT updated and you are returned to the "PRINT OPTION MENU". You will then need to find the source of the problem and reenter all of your data for that transaction. As you exit to the "ACCOUNT SUMMARY SCREEN",another message will appear to warn you if the bank balance is below the level that you specified. 2 } This is the option used to enter deposit information. The first screen allows you to use the current date as defined by the system clock, or to manually enter whatever date you wish. A word of warning is due here !! The check system can only handle ONE deposit on any ONE day. More than this, and it will NOT be able to reconcile them to the bank statement correctly. Therefore, if you receive interest on your checking account, and you want to enter it into the system, make it as a separate deposit on a day when you do NOT have any other deposits. On this first screen, enter your actual BANK deposits, just as they went into the bank, using for "DATE" the date you MADE the deposit. Where it says "MORE ENTRIES", if you have more deposits to enter, answer { Y }. If not, answer { N }. On the next screen, you will distribute EACH deposit to the individual accounts. For "ACCOUNT CODE" enter "A - H". You MUST enter a code and it MUST be "A-H", or you will see an error message on the screen. You will see a line that reads "REMAINING $$". This is an automatic calculator that displays how much of your deposit remains to be distributed as it is assigned to the various accounts. When the full amount of a deposit has been distributed, the program automatically moves on to the next deposit. Here, as in the check portion, any deposits with a zero AMOUNT will be deleted. As we leave this option, you will be given an opportunity to verify your deposit entries. IMPORTANT NOTE !! As with the check entry, at this point, make any ADDITIONS that you need to do BEFORE making CHANGES. Under "ACCT.CODE" there will appear not only the letters "A-H", but also "T". The "T" entries are the actual bank deposits that will be saved in the deposit register. The other entries are for account distri- bution, and will not be saved. Error checking also takes place here before the updates actually occur. If an error is detected, you will be returned to the "PRINT MENU". It will be necessary to find and correct the problem, and then reenter your deposit transaction. 3 } This selection takes you to the "PRINT CONTROL MENU". From here you can display and/or print various registers and account control functions. 1 } As it says, from here you select to have the checks printed. The first display will tell you how many checks will be printing, as well as the starting sequence number. If this number does NOT match the next blank check, you have an error somewhere. Find and correct it, and then return here to continue with print. When the message "PLACE CHECKS IN PRINTER" appears, do so and physically position them for proper print alignment. At this point, DO NOT do a form feed or space with the printer controls. The program has already set its print alignment !!! The REGISTERED USERS will be told which check the program is set to print on, and where they can be obtained. I am using a STAR SD-15 in IBM mode, and it works very well as the program is set up. 2 } This option takes us to another menu where you are presented with a number of registers to either display or print using the { S } or { P } choice. Just a brief word of explanation should be sufficient. The "CHECK" and "DEPOSIT REGISTERS" contain the CLEARED checks for the current year.The "ARCHIVE REGISTER" contains the checks and deposits from previous years. You will be asked which year you want to display. The "CHECK RECONCILE REGISTER" is updated each time the RECONCILE option is run. In it are placed the value of cleared and uncleared checks and deposits, as well as an item labeled "CMPT_BAL". This is computed by taking the balance from the bank statement, and subtracting from it the UNCLEARED checks while adding the UNCLEARED deposits. This value must be equal to the CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL BALANCE, or an error exists. You should find this information of value if your account DOESN'T reconcile one day ! You will also notice that two options, the "CHECK" and "ARCHIVE" REGISTERS, give you a choice to print or display sorted by either SEQUENCE NUMBER or ACCOUNT CODE. 3 } The "SEARCH ON CHECK OR DEPOSIT" option does just what it says. Any check entry may be found and displayed by just entering the month and year along with the "PAY-TO" field. It is NOT necessary to enter the full "PAY-TO" name. It will search on any part of the name as long as it is enough to distinguish it from another name. Also,if there is more than one entry that meets the search parameters, they will be displayed in succession and you will be asked if this is the one you want. In the same way, deposits are searched by month, year, and amount. This is one of the "POWER" options and is only available to REGISTERED USERS ! 4 } Option number 4, "PRINT ACCOUNT SUMMARIES" is also a "POWER OPTION" only available to REGISTERED USERS. It will print a detailed summary by account codes for each of the eight accounts. This is selected by year. 5 } "DISPLAY ACCOUNT STATISTICS" is self explanatory. This is a screen showing various summary statistics. It is a good idea after every CHECK and DEPOSIT update, to use the { PRINT SCREEN } key to print off a copy of this screen to refer to as needed. Consider this your 'computer statement'. The bottom line is explained in the REGISTERED USER'S GUIDE, as is the "PRESS { D }" function. As stated earlier, the "PRESS { C }" function is used in the BUSINESS VERSION (see order form at the end of the user's guide). 6 } This last option has already been discussed in sufficient detail under the "SETUP" option. Use this selection to back up your database AT LEAST once a month, maybe more often. 4 } The "RECONCILE ACCOUNT" option is used, of course, to verify that the computer account agrees with your bank statement. This is one of the real 'work savers' of CHEX-MASTER. No more balancing your check book by hand. No more fighting to get a jumbled stack of checks into sequence order. No more going through your checkbook, pen in hand, marking off which checks just came back from the bank. Finally, no more adding and subtracting columns of figures !!! Now its as easy as ABC: A } Enter the sequence numbers off your bank statement of checks that have cleared. B } Enter the date and amount of deposits that have cleared. C } Enter the account balance from your bank statement. You will then be asked if you wish to verify your entries. Extensive error checking is done in this phase of the operation. The errors that you MAY see reported (hopefully, there won't be any) can consist of the following: A } One of the check sequence numbers was NOT found. B } A deposit was NOT found for a date you entered. C } A deposit for a given date was found, but the amount does NOT match. D } Your account does NOT reconcile against the bank statement. You will have to research the reason. There could be many. E } The total of cleared vs uncleared deposits does NOT equal the DEPOSIT REGISTER total. F } The total of cleared vs uncleared checks does NOT equal the CHECK REGISTER total. G } Subtracting the checks that were just cleared from the old uncleared check total does NOT equal the current uncleared check total. H } Subtracting the deposits that were just cleared from the old uncleared deposit total does NOT equal the current uncleared deposit total. AS you can see, a great deal of error checking is done to give you peace of mind that your accounts are being maintained without error. It would be very difficult for most of these errors to develop. A-D can result from operator error. E-H would require an internal program or machine failure to occur. If a problem did develop, REGISTERED USERS could contact me for possible assistance. 5 } The last option is "TRANSFER FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS". This is also a "POWER" option available only to REGISTERED USERS. At this screen, you can easily transfer funds between accounts. The introductory screen is self-explanatory. Two error checks are made. One is as described, the other verifies that the sum of the individual accounts is equal to ACCOUNT TOTAL BALANCE. If this error is detected, you are returned to the "PRINT MENU". This concludes the USER"S MANUAL. As I hope you have decided, this is a very powerful check and budget management package. The addition of the "POWER" features makes it even more so !! I have tried to make it as comprehensive as possible, and yet easy to use. I hope that the menu-driven structure and online instructions will help to accomplish that end. One last word; if you are running on a 'floppy only' system, and you find your disk becoming full as the check file grows, you can delete some programs to gain more space. AFTER you have printed out this user's manual, you can delete "TEXT.TXT" and "TFL.EXE". This will free up about 66k bytes. I really urge you to become a registered user, and receive all the extra benefits available. It will also help support the development of other user supported software, not to mention helping pay for all the time I put into writing this program !!! Should you decide to register, please use the following order form. If you have any questions, in addition to COMPUSERVE, I can also be reached at the following bulletin boards. Address mail to AL JENKE: AUTO-EXEC INC. 508-833-0508 EXEC-PC 414-964-5160 Mail to: TOTAL LOGISTICS CONSULTING 565 PLEASANT STREET CHAMBERSBURG, PA. 17201 From: Name________________________________________________________ Number & Street_____________________________________________ City________________________________________________________ State________________________________________ Zip__________ Where did you receive demo copy ? __________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Copies of CHEXMASTER at $ 24.00 Each. # ordered ___ Total $_________ Copies of BUSINESS VERSION at $44.00 Ea. # ordered ___ Total $_________ If 3 1/2 inch is wanted, enclose $ 1.00 extra per disk. $_________ Disks will otherwise be Shipping + Handling $ 5.00 shipped on 5 1/4 inch. If ordering in PA., 6% Tax $_________ Total Amount enclosed $_________