MATRIX SOFTWARE MARKETING COMPANY MEMBERSHIP SPONSORING PROGRAM & COMMISSION STRUCTURE Thank you for taking the time to read this valuable information. Matrix software company has chosen to market it's shareware programs through a network of individuals (called sponsors) who have decided to join us in our effort to make this Automated ShareWare Catalog System a huge success. The secret to marketing any product successfully is to expose it to as many prospective buyers as possible in the shortest period of time. Many company's spend thousands of dollars on advertising for this exposure. Being a small company with just an idea and a dream, we're not financially able to spend that kind of money on advertising with only the hope of making enough sales to offset it. With a multi-level marketing plan such as this, we are getting the very best advertising (word-of-mouth) and then paying for it by way of commissions to those who have actually had a part in making the sales. Here's how it works. As an ASC club member, you are permitted to sponsor other's into the club and earn commission from the dues and the purchases made by members you sponsor. As an incentive for you to help the people you sponsor to sponsor additional members, you will also earn commission from their sales and from those of members for nine levels down from you. This can be a substantial amount of money if you are willing to put just a small amount of effort into it. Commissions are calculated and paid through what we call a commission matrix. The matrix is 9 levels deep and each level has a specific number of slots to be filled with paying members. The first level is only 3 members wide so obviously your first step toward building a healthy commission check is to sponsor 3 new members. Having 3 personally sponsored members is all that is required to qualify for commission. The minimum purchase required for active members is the dues of $2/month. Your commission is 6% of the sales from all of the members in your commission matrix. This means that the commission from the 3 members sponsored by you would be a whooping $0.36 per month. Obviously your not going to be able to retire on that kind of money so let's take a look at the entire commission matrix and see how it is filled with paying members. You LEVEL MEMBERS ³ ===== ======= ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ 1 3 1st Spawn 2nd Spawn 3rd Spawn ÚÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ¿ 2 9 X X X X X X X X X ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ ÚÅ¿ 3 27 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Here's the first 3 levels. With the help of your sponsor, you spawn 3 members. Then you help each of them sponsor 3 members, they help their spawns sponsor 3 and so on. This is how a commission check would be calculated with a full matrix if each member were buying the minimum of one $2 ShareWare disk per month. LEVEL MEMBERS SALES x 6% COMMISSION 1 3 $6 $0.36 2 9 $18 $1.08 3 27 $54 $3.24 4 81 $162 $9.72 5 243 $486 $29.16 6 729 $1458 $87.48 7 2187 $4374 $262.44 8 6561 $13122 $787.32 9 19683 $39366 $2361.96 ===== ======= 29523 TOTAL > $3,542.76 Commission per month. Now remember, we're talking about the minimum required purchase by members. If some members buy more than 1 program a month, then your commission would Be higher. With this limited size commission matrix, the maximum number of members you can earn commission on at any one time is 29,523. This limitation is actually to your advantage when it comes to earning money. Because of the maximum member limitation on each level, when a level becomes full, the extra sales will spill down to the next level in the matrix to the first open commission slot. This means that you can actually end up earning commission from members that were spawned by your sponsor, or by sponsors above him, as well as from those below you in your matrix. Take a look at the diagram below. Your Sponsor ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Sponsor's 1st level YOU BILL JOE ÚÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Your 1st level ANN TOM X ÚÄÅÄ¿ Your 2nd level X X Let's say your sponsor signed YOU, BILL and JOE on his first level. Then before you got around to sponsoring anyone, your sponsor (or a sponsor above him) signed up ANN and TOM. Your Sponsor's 1st level (limited to 3 members) is full so ANN and TOM would be positioned into your sponsor's 2nd level which is also your 1st level. When you sponsor your 3 (indicated by the X's in your 1st and 2nd levels) two of them will spill down to your 2nd level and into ANN's 1st level. This chain reaction effect means that you could be very pleasantly surprised when your first commission check arrives and you discover that even though you have only signed a handful of members, someone in the matrix above you with some experience and nice commission checks helping him sell this thing, signed enough new members so that some have spilled down into your matrix. You may want to back up and read this part again. It is a bit confusing but once you thoroughly understand how it works, you will see that this marketing plan can and will work. All you need to do is find 3 people willing to spend $2 per month on top quality ShareWare for their computing needs. How hard can that be ? There is a bit more to it than just finding three people. As a sponsor you will be required to make and distribute updated catalog disks twice a year to all members in your matrix that you have personally sponsored. You must also be willing to help your sponsored members with questions about the use of the ShareWare catalog and/or sponsoring new members. Some sponsors prefer that orders from their catalog disks be sent directly to them rather than to the company so that they can keep records on members in their matrix. When you sign up as a sponsor, you will be given the choice as to where orders will be sent. If you have chosen to have orders sent to you, it will be your responsibility to forward them on to the company as quickly as possible. After we receive an order, we will process it and ship the program disks directly to the member. All new members orders and sponsors agreements are entered into our computer for positioning in the matrix in the exact order that they are received. This means that the sooner you decide to become a member and a sponsor, the better your chances are to have other members end up in your matrix. Your commission check will indicate the number of downline members in your matrix. Commission checks are computed and mailed on or before the last day of the month following the month in which the orders are received. Commission due for amounts less than $10 will be carried over to the next commission period except in the case of membership termination where total commission due will be paid to the member. There will be a 2% accounting fee deducted from all commission checks and MSM will provide sponsors with statements indicating earnings for the period as well as year to date. Sponsors will receive a form 1099 at the end of the year for use in computing taxes owed. For a small fee, you can order a genealogy report which will give you names, address and phone numbers of all your downline members. Some of you are probably just a bit skeptical and look at this opportunity as another one of those deals that is just too good to be true, and you're ready to pitch this diskett or use it as a back up for your check book data. We would sure like you to give it a try first so, as a SPECIAL OFFER to sponsors who sign up for any term membership with this catalog disk, we will send you a genealogy report FREE of CHARGE, 2-3 weeks before your initial membership expires. This means that even if you don't manage to sponsor 3 members, the genealogy report will let you know how many and who is downline from you in your matrix. From the genealogy report you will be able to calculate your commission based on the number of downline members. Of course you will still be required to have 3 personally sponsored members in order to qualify for commissions but this will give you an idea of how much effort you might want to put into getting your 3 members. Also remember that not only you, but every sponsor needs 3 to qualify. Then think about how that will affect your commission checks. What have you got to loose ? - Six dollars ? What have you got to gain ? - Some fine ShareWare and an opportunity to earn a considerable amount of extra income. If you have any questions about becoming a member/sponsor, please feel free to contact the person listed below. Your Sponsor \ If you would like to earn money sponsoring members into the club then return to the program categories page and follow the instructions below. 1. Be sure that you have already signed up as a club member. 2. Make a copy of your members ordering disk and label it "SPONSORING DISK" 3. Run the program from the sponsoring disk. 4. Do not mark any programs for ordering. 5. Press <4> then follow the instructions on your screen. After you have signed up as a sponsor, you should only use your sponsoring disk as a master for making ASC catalog disks to give to prospective members. You must use your members ordering disk to place your personal orders and for renewing your membership. Your Sponsor's name and SSN should always print on your personal orders. ---------PRESS THE KEY TO RETURN TO THE PROGRAM CATEGORIES PAGE----------