Program: UPCOMING.EXE - 2/17/91 UPCOMING.EXE is a program designed to help you remember annual events that you might not otherwise (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). It is most useful when included near the end of your autoexec.bat file where it pauses until you exit (by pressing ESC) to your normal menuing system, etc. The program is simple to use in its basic form: UPCOMING The datafile is a user generated ASCII file of the form: 1/06/55 Birthday - Jim Thomas 6/07/57 Birthday - Dan Smith 6/28/67 Birthday - Mari-Kay Smith 1/07/55 Birthday - Dave White 2/13/83 Anniversary - Jim & Laura Jones 3/17/55 Birthday - Chris Falcon 6/12/?? Birthday - Matt Jones 3/12/85 Birthday - Tom West . . however many entries . . 8/05/58 Birthday - Steve West 4/13/87 Anniversary - Matt & Heather White 3/15/87 Anniversary - Tom & Kristin West 10/14/89 Anniversary - Ken & Kathy White 11/01/53 Birthday - Mary Smith 12/15/55 Birthday - John Taylor 10/26/?? Birthday - Ken Billings 9/13/?? Birthday - Grandma Smith 7/14/?? Birthday -Bobby Taylor 3/31/23 Birthday - Dad (Marks) 9/29/?? Birthday - Aunt Irene Marks 3/13/?? Anniversary - Mom & Dad Marks 12/14/86 Anniversary - Jane & Ed Marks 11/04/89 Anniversary - Jennifer & Dean Sailor 12/27/89 Birthdays - Stephan & Joseph White There is no particular limit to the number of entries but the message length is limited to 60 characters. Entries need not be in any particular order as the program will search thru the month and day to determine if it falls within the "remind" window. Note that a valid year is not required (you might not know it anyway) as this program advises you of the same event at the appropriate time every year. There are a number of dates that the UPCOMING.EXE will display automatically at the appropriate time of year. These include: Valentine's Day 4th of July Easter Labor Day Mother's Day Halloween Memorial Day Thanksgiving Father's Day Christmas New Years Day By default the program will look 14 days ahead and will display all upcoming events within that period in chronological order (by date). Alternatively, a command line switch allows you to specify a different look ahead period. The look ahead period can also be altered when the program is running. If UPCOMING.EXE is executed without command line arguments the following message is displayed: Incorrect # of command line arguments... Usage: upcoming [drive]pathname [/w:xxx] Note: /w: switch is optional where "xxx" is optional number of days to look ahead (max 365). The default is 14 days. Example: upcoming events.asc /w:21 (21 days look ahead) When the program is running the user has the following options (displayed in a helpbar along the bottom of the screen): ESC - Exit program up arrow - \ dn arrow - \ Allows you to scroll thru entries PGUP - / (assuming you have that many displayed) PGDN - / P (print) - Print displayed list A (alter) - Alter days to look ahead Pressing any other key causes a tone to be sounded. Hope you find the program useful. D. Haubert 2/17/91