Due to the tremendous amount of phone calls and mail we've recieved in the past few months from people asking how to go about getting a grant from the US Government, we've decided to make the information available to the general public at no cost. We encourage you to use this informa- tion and give express permission to post these files on all FREE bbs systems so long as NO FEES are charged...the .TXT file holds the same information as the .COM files, but thought you might like to print the info as well as have it scroll up on your screen. If, after having read the information decide you would like to procede but don't know which agency or assistance program is best suited to your goals, give us a call, we are one of Washington DC's "Direct Access Points" to ALL U.S. Government assistance program information. Rich Woodruff (Pres./CEO) U.S. Information Services (213) 854-0964