NEW BOYAN HOST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTRO: When I first saw Boyan's host, I thought it could use a little more "pizzazz" and some serious rework on the program flow. What I've done here is to completely rewrite the script and add the following features (to name a few of the important ones): Caller can select text colors for his/her type and/or text from my host, I eliminated the need for a secondary hostmsgs.bsc - all functions run off one script, I tied function access to a single PW - only the sysop can delete messages and shutdown the host, new callers are limited to message action and chat only, recognized callers have full access to messages, chat and files, I added FV.COM to enable callers to view archive file contents on line, I enabled the sysop to put messages, files, scripts, text files, etc in whatever directories he/she chooses, I added the recognition by the script of attempts by callers to select unauthorized functions more than three times (automatic logoff results), it also recognizes (and logs off callers) who fail to enter the correct password in three times. This host is by no means an attempt to write a BBS, but I think it does do a good job in spicing up your host mode. My name and address are listed at the end should you have any suggestions for improvement or comments on bugs found. Hope you enjoy it. I. Files Required (Most are included in archive, the ones that aren't get created by Comm.bat) a. Host.bsc - this file replaces both host.bsc and hostmsgs.bsc, all functions run off one script b. Welcome.msg - this is a sample ansi opener the caller will see when first connecting..substitute one of your choice. THE DRAW is a good program to use if you want to make one. c. Main.mnu - A sample main menu you can use or change as you see fit. d. Prot.mnu - A sample protocol menu you can use or change e. Send.bat - A small batch file that sends text out the modem faster than Boyan's default ULa convention. f. Flist.bat - A small batch file which invokes FV.Com ..used for viewing archive file contents. (Note: ZIPTV can be substituted for FV.COM - if you add ZIPTV, scan the Host.bsc for :VIEW, change the area that's currently \DC[FLIST %V0] to \DC[ZIPTV Pn Ty Lx %V0], where n = your comm port, y = time in minutes allowed in ZipTV and x = length in lines. You'll need to get ZIPTV20.ZIP from a BBS. Once ZipTV is installed, you can delete Flist.bat and FV.Com.) g. Comm.bat - A small batch file which initializes the msg.lst and files.lst files. Invoke Boyan using this batch versus just typing in Boyan h. Msg.lst - A listing of messages available to be read by the caller. Created and/or updated by Comm.bat i. Files.lst - A listing of files available for download by the caller. Created and/or updated by Comm.bat j. New.lst - A list of new files uploaded..only sysop can see this one. k. Free.lst - a crude, but effective method of showing the caller how many bytes you have free in your upload directory...just a redirected "dir" of your upload dir. l. Goodbye.msg - What the caller sees when he/she logs off..can be changed as you see fit. m. FV.COM - File View..the method I chose to view contents of archived files. (See my note above about adding ZipTV instead of FV.COM) II. INSTALLATION a. Copy all files to the directory where you run Boyan scripts. (Files.lst and Msg.lst will be created when you run Comm.bat -- New.lst is created first time someone uploads something) b. Using a text editor, scan the host.bsc file for places I've included comments to the right. Of particular importance is the requirement to substitute your APPROPRIATE PATHS in the spaces I've marked by "Path". If you change any of the file names, be sure the correct name appears in these places as well. c. While scanning the host.bsc with your text editor, go to the area I've marked as for users and put in your name and PW along with names and PW's of any users you wish to add to the system. Be sure your password as well as those of your users are all different. Access to functions is determined by password. Be sure none of your known users takes "new" as his/her system password. "New" is the default PW I use for all new callers...anyone with this password is limited to message activity and chat only. d. Using a text editor, edit Comm.bat to reflect appropriate path for files as indicated..DELETE REMARKS BEFORE RUNNING!! e. Create your own welcome.msg and goodbye.msg -- the ones I've included are OK, but you probably will want something which reflects your personal taste. III. General Comments a. The files.lst and msg.lst (just the titles of files and messages, not the files or messages themselves) should reside in the same directory you run the script from..they can go anywhere you want though.. b. The default file directory in Boyan (done via the Alt-C) should be set to the directory where you keep files available for downloading, not the directory where you want files uploaded. c. Once you have the paths set in the host.bsc you can delete the comments I put out to the right (after the "\\"'s). d. I recommend you set your Alt-G macro to \IE-%AM,G[\AM[G]]. This will make entering gossip (chat mode) a lot easier. e. I make use of several shortcut macros to hold values for: user selection for color of text to and from him, current on-line user's PW (needed for return from chat), a counter for how many times the caller selected something he/she shouldn't have. If you are hard set on using the same shortcut macros for something else, then you can do one of two things: a. not use this host or b: scan the host.bsc for all occurrences of shortcut macro symbols and "SM" type commands --- change all to your liking. It would be far easier, though, to change your current shortcut macros to some other keys. I use shorcut macros: 114, 115, 116, 120. These are in addition to the ones Boyan already uses in the Host.bsc. III. Running the script a. You invoke the host just as you normally would -- Alt-I b. When in local test mode -- ANSI SEQUENCES WILL NOT APPEAR ON SCREEN AS THEY WOULD IF SOMEONE HAD CALLED -- don't be alarmed if you see a bunch of ^[[2C or other ^[[ type phrases appear on your screen while in local test mode. That's normal. c. IMPORTANT: While you are in local test mode there are a couple of menu options you must NOT select. These are: (L)ist messages, (F)ile names, and (V)iew Files. I've got these functions set up for remote use only since I can do these without being in host mode. Making them run in local test mode requires more lines in the script than I think are necessary. Add them if you want, but don't select these options till you do. d. Going to Gossip Mode: If a caller selects (T)alk w/Sysop, a bell will ring at your end. Should you decide you wish to chat with the caller, hit (and hold for a second) the escape key. This will interrupt the script and you should see "Communication Ready" in the status block. At that point hit Alt-G (if you changed your macro to what I suggested) and you will be in gossip mode (split screen) and ready for chat. When you are finished with chat, just hit Alt-I again and the host script will resume at the main menu. (The script checks for carrier on start-up, if found, assumes you came back from chat mode and bypasses the welcome.msg and PW screens). The best way to see what this new host does is to call it from another computer as would normally be the case. All ANSI will be interpreted by the calling comm program and you will be able to see the colors and cursor control actions as they actually appear on the remote end. I've completed what I believe is thorough testing on this new host but will not guarantee there aren't any glitches in it. I haven't found any. If you should find something wrong with it, I'd appreciate a note. You can reach me at any of the Prince William County BBSs or my address is: James Bennett 14751 Barksdale St. Dale City, VA 22193 Hope you enjoy this new Boyan host. See you.