Date: 09-16-90 (17:08) Number: 5003 of 5662 (Echo) To: JOHN FRIEL Refer#: NONE From: TANDY WAY Read: NO Subj: 4.2 PHONE BOOK Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: QMODEM (33) Read Type: GENERAL (+) John, I can't make the switch to 4.2 Unless you can help with why my ICEX scripts won't fly with 4.2 But fly easyily with 4.1B in an attempt to help you remote control diagnose the problem here is step by step. Icex206 has a script generator for all the popular programs like yours. It has worked fantastic witn 4.0 And 41.A and 41b I use the alt j to redefine shift f1 and shift f2 to call up wither the 2400 script or the 1200 script. Going in to alt j and choosing 2 in the fields for shift f1 I put @script icex-24.Qms in the fields for shift f2 I put @script icex-12.Qms saving my work and dropping back to terminal mode I press shift f2 and here is what comes up on the screen. Script error type setcom keyword (s) expected file d:\qmodem\script\icex-24.Qms line setcomcjlm press any key to edit. Now here is the actual script that icex generates. ; This script was produced with ICEXGEN for use with ICEX206 ; ICEX Copyright 1987,1988,1989. Written by Wayne Wolf ; Consult ICEX206.DOC for notes on usage ; SETCOMM CJLM IF $OFFLINE Repeat GOTO Invoke Repeat: SEND "ATDT223-5859^M" TIMEOUT 30 Noconn WAITFOR "CONNECT" GOTO Skip Noconn: DISPLAY "Could not connect to Local number, trying again..." HANGUP GOTO Repeat Skip: SEND "^~^~^~^~^~^~" SEND "@" SEND "^~^~^~^~" SEND "D" SEND "^~^~^~^~" SEND "^M" Ping: TIMEOUT 3 Tryagn WAITFOR "=" GOTO Skip2 Tryagn: SEND "D" SEND "^~^~^~^~" SEND "^M" GOTO Ping Skip2: SEND "D1^M" Invoke: DOS "ICEX206 -D -A -E" --- þ EZ 1.33 #661 þ EVERYONE IS A CRITIC þ PCRelay:PRODATA -> ProData Exchange * Tampa, FL * (813) 920-8820 ------------------------------------------ Date: 09-18-90 (18:37) Number: 5006 of 5662 (Echo) To: TANDY WAY Refer#: 5003 From: KARL BRENDEL Read: NO Subj: 4.2 PHONE BOOK Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: QMODEM (33) Read Type: GENERAL (+) TW>john I can't make the switch to 4.2 unless you can help with why TW>my icex scripts won't fly with 4.2 but fly easyily with 4.1b TW>in an attempt to help you remote control diagnose the problem TW>here is step by step. TW>script error type setcom keyword (s) expected file TW>d:\qmodem\script\icex-24.qms line setcomcjlm press any key to TW>edit. Unless you're able and willing to edit the generated script file every time, Tandy, this one is going to take an ICEX upgrade to fix. Changes in script languages often "break" script generators and prepackaged scripts. Bang on Wayne Wolf on The Right Place and get him to change his SETCOM command to the current format. (As is probably documented, SETCOM now takes keywords rather than the letters it used to take. That's what the error msg is trying to tell you.) The price of progress. The benefit, tho, is that SETCOM arguments won't have to change in the future when new baud rates or other items are added to the AltP menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 09-18-90 (05:33) Number: 5043 of 5662 (Echo) To: TOM MUI Refer#: NONE From: JOHN FRIEL Read: NO Subj: 4.2 & 5 DOCUMENTATION Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: QMODEM (33) Read Type: GENERAL (+) -> PCPursuit which requires you go to the ICEX program externally using the DOS shell. I notice the words 602135 bytes to disk and the fact that it takes 20-25 seconds to get from Qmodem to DOS and when ICEX does all the PCPursuit work, another 20-25 seconds to exit ICEX to get back to QMODEM. The Shell is writing DOS memory to disk. You can try turning Optimum Shell OFF to speed it up (at the expense of free memory for the Shell). John --- þ R105J:Qmodem Technical Support Headquarters þ (319)233-6157 <<<>>> ----------------- Date: 09-19-90 (19:19) Number: 5181 of 5662 (Echo) To: TOM MUI Refer#: NONE From: STEPHEN WEIHMAN Read: NO Subj: 4.2 & 5 DOCUMENTATION Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: QMODEM (33) Read Type: GENERAL (+) ßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜ September 19, 1990 ßÜßÜßÜ 12:19 AM ßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜ TMÝOne problem though. I do use PCPursuit to search the BBS' before I TMÝswitch over to AT&T with a HST for downloading. I use ICEX to access TMÝPCPursuit which requires you go to the ICEX program externally using TMÝthe DOS shell. I notice the words 602135 bytes to disk and the fact TMÝthat it takes 20-25 seconds to get from Qmodem to DOS and when ICEX TMÝdoes all the PCPursuit work, another 20-25 seconds to exit ICEX to get TMÝback to QMODEM. I'm sure the new manual might have something to say TMÝabout it - but you are backlogged manual-wise. Any suggestions? You need to check the optimum shell in setup. It's under ALT-n/o/r. If optimum shell is on and disk shell is on, then Qmodem will swap as much of itself to disk BEFORE running ICEX, and must reload AFTER. Change these to no (you shouldn't need the extra memory with ICEX, and let it rip. You shouldn't have much of a delay. ßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜ ëçîô×îï ßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜ þ EZ 1ú33 #842 þ Only God can make random selections. þ PCRelay:COMPTRON -> ST. PETERSBURG, FL 813-526-1265 <<<>>>