APPLICATIONS GENERATOR SYSTEM By R.L. Coppedge, CDP The Applications Generator System (AGS) is a system that will take a Dbase III+ database, and with some additional guidance (not programming, guidance) from you will become a fully-operational (and Menu-Driven) Database Management Entry, Retrieval and Reporting System. All code (with the exception of two memory-resident modules used) is in Dbase III+, and is fully compatible with any Dbase lookalike (I works fine w/Foxbase +) NOTE: For FoxBase Users, make sure you get a version specifically for FoxBase (ie AGS V2.10F) In spite of Dbase's many additional functions, an overwhelming need for DBMS's lies not in the functions, but in a smooth way to take ones ideas and requirements and move them from thought to paper to keyboard to database. This system will hopefully help. Documentation includes: + 50 pages of instructions on using a completed Application. + 20+ pages of instruction on how to generate an AGS system. + 2 Page "Cheat Sheet" Keep in mind that with the system properly installed, the AGS can generate for you a complete database management/entry system, with the following features: 1> Entry screens in English 2> COMPLETELY Menu-Driven System 2> Sorted data 3> Browse capabilities 4> Data Verification 5> Help Screens 6> Word Processing Interface (Word Perfect, Wordstar 2000, Display Write IV and more) 7> Free-Form Query 8> Controlled Data Entry 9> Open Report Menu 10> Open Communications Menu 11> NO Dbase III+ commands needed 12> More, I'm sure ...all in about 15 minutes (once you're familiar with how to do it). Plus, if you maintain a number of systems (like I do), it makes maintaining , training and documenting them much easier. The bottom line is, Does this work for you? You be the judge. I guarantee that it you toy with it and play around, you might be pleasantly surprised....give it a shot! Copyright 1988 - RL Coppedge CDP All Rights Reserved Requires: Dbase III+ (or compatible, like Foxbase+), hard disk, 640 KB (might work with 512Kb...) some knowledge of Dbase III+ (creating, editing, modifying a database), and DOS (Setting up and using subdirectories and the like. The AGS has already been used in several places, and for many functions. They include: Inventory Order Entry Management Personnel Housing Title Transfers Housing Financial Analysis Mailing List Maintenance Travel Agent Customer Maintenance Union skills tracking Computer Maintenance Simple A/R Remote Data Entry Account Tracking Get the idea? As you can hopefully see, there really is no limit to the type of application here. The version you have here has a limit of 50 records for each database placed on it. By registering you version, you would be given an unlimited use version. In some cases, however, there are some changes which would make the system run even smoother. But in order to make those changes, you have to have a special registered system, which is delivered with full Dbase code intact! (Shareware distributed version contains executable only...) But how do I register? (I hear you cry) Simple. Send money (to support the Shareware concept) to: RL Coppedge, CDP CIS #: 72117,165 446 Richmond Pk E 402A Genie: R.COPPEDGE1 Richmond Hts, Ohio Cleve Free-Net: AE069 44143 How much should you send? I leave that up to a debate between you, your wallet and your conscience. (C'mon, Conscience!!) A general suggestion: single users: Companies, Consultants, etc. Executable: $50 $100 W/Code: $100 $250 Code version also includes some technical documentation explaining what it is you see. Obviously, the more support of this type, the more likely it is that I would continue to improve this system along the shareware school of thought. There are a lot of improvements currently in the test Version 2.2... See the file AGS210.TXT for information on the differences between V2.04 and V2.10. Later!!! Bob Copyright 1988 - RL Coppedge, CDP All Rights Reserved