@...GET...PICTURE version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: Using Ctrl-W or Ctrl-End to exit an active @...GET...PICTURE of a numeric field or memory variable may produce undesirable results. When @...GET is activated, the existing number is displayed right justified. As new numbers are entered, they are displayed left justified until the display is exited, at which time the new number is right justified. However, exiting the display with Ctrl-W saves the digits displayed, concatenating the old number to the new. Any spaces between the numbers are ignored. This occurs only when a PICTURE clause is included. For example, SET DELIMITERS ON mvar = 10 @ 10,10 GET mvar PICTURE "999999" READ displays : 10: entering 100 followed by Ctrl-W displays :100 10: ^-- Enter Ctrl-W here. This sets the value of mvar to 10010. APPEND FROM SDF version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: dBASE III PLUS stops parsing the APPEND command when the SDF option is encountered. APPEND FROM TYPE SDF FOR appends all records, whether or not the new records meet the FOR . However, switching the order of the TYPE and FOR options within the command line correctly filters out records that do not match the FOR . For example, APPEND FROM Test1 TYPE SDF FOR Amount < 100 incorrectly appends all records. But, APPEND FROM Test1 FOR Amount < 100 TYPE SDF correctly filters out records where the value of Amount is less than 100. APPEND FROM TYPE DELIMITED FOR correctly filters records regardless of the option order. COPY TO version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: If field names are duplicated in the FIELDS list of the COPY TO command, each field in the list, including duplicates, becomes a field in the resultant database file. All fields can be EDITed and BROWSEd but, only the first field with any name can be accessed with @...SAY/GET, ?/??, DISPLAY, and LIST. When the new file structure is edited with MODIFY STRUCTURE, the error message "Field name already in use." is produced and the edit must be aborted with Ctrl-Q or Esc, unless the duplicate field names are immediately changed. CREATE VIEW version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: Opening a view file that was created with CREATE VIEW does not automati- cally SET FIELDS ON unless one of the fields was deselected from the CREATE VIEW Set Fields list when the .VUE was created or unless SET FIELDS ON was issued prior to CREATE VIEW. When creating a view file, all fields are selected by default. When the .VUE file is saved, the status of SET FIELDS is saved with it. If SET FIELDS was OFF prior to CREATE VIEW, it is not changed unless a field is deselected from the Set Fields fields list. For example, SET FIELDS OFF CREATE VIEW Test * ---Select a database file and save the .VUE file. SET VIEW TO Test SET FIELDS ON LIST displays the record numbers only. DISPLAY STRUCTURE reveals that no fields are selected. However, MODIFY VIEW shows that all fields are selected. If more than one database file is opened by SET VIEW TO and a relation is established, fields from database files not in the current work area are available only if SET FIELDS is ON and the fields are in the SET FIELDS TO list. DO CASE version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: When executed, the word END in a DO CASE...ENDCASE structure terminates program execution as if RETURN were encountered. When encountered outside a DO CASE...ENDCASE construct, END produces the error message "Unrecognized command verb." [16]. JOIN version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: JOIN WITH TO creates a new file with the structure of the database file in the current work area exclusively when the WITH file contains illegal characters (such as +, -, or &) in the filename. When valid filenames are used, JOIN creates a new file whose structure contains all the fields from the two files, provided that the new structure does not exceed the 128 field limit. READKEY() version: DP DP11 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: The value returned by READKEY() is reset to 271 or 15 after executing a RETURN, SUSPEND, or CANCEL command. The value returned by READKEY() should remain unchanged until another full-screen command is executed. However, RETURN, SUSPEND, and CANCEL reset the key value to 271 or 15. REPORT FORM version: 20 21 date: 18 Aug 1987 text: REPORT FORM with SET ALTERNATE TO and SET ALTERNATE ON produces inconsistent page breaks when the NOEJECT option is included or Options:Page eject before printing is "Yes." To work around this problem, SET ALTERNATE OFF before running the report and send the report to a text file by including the TO FILE option in the REPORT FORM command line.