The following collection of utility programs was gathered from several sources including various bulletin board systems, Integrated Software Federal User Group diskettes, and John McDermott's ACUMEN dBASE and CLIPPER bulletin board at 703/321-7441. Some of the programs are in the public domain, some are shareware, and others have been contributed by their owners specifically for this presentation. Please respect the copyright ownership of those programs that are copyrighted, and make the suggested contribution to shareware authors when you find their programs to be of value. We have examined all of the programs on this diskette and found them to be potentially useful, but we have not thoroughly tested the individual programs. Dave Browning, John McDermott, and Capical PC User Group have made this diskette of programs available as a copy service only, and specifically disclaim any responsibility for the performance, quality, or fitness of use of any program on this diskette. We hope you enjoy these programs and find them to be of use to you in your personal computing. Dave Browning John McDermott