Option Menu Procedure by Anthony T. DeHart - GENIE (ATDEHART) --------------------------------------- OPT.PRG - The actual procedure Creates nice looking menus that can be selected with a light bar Other prg's are for running the demo. (ASK_YN & PLAC_MSG & LSCRTOP may be useful for other things also) To see how the menu program works, compile the OPTDEMO program using clipper autumn '86 release with COMPILE.BAT. I designed this menu procedure because I wanted both professional looking menus that were easy to use and I also wanted to make them fast. This seems to be the answer and I hope it will work for others out there too. Please address any comments to me on GENIE or DARWIN BBS or I can be reached at: ATD Software 189 S. Keystone Ave. Sayre, PA 18840 717-888-7439 I doubt anyone will have trouble with it. If you use it, please give credit and if you modify it or improve it and would like to distribute it then please notify me first. Other than that, use it and improve on it.