SUPER-MEMO WORLD'S ORDER FORM (June 1, 1991) Please put my name to the record of SuperMemo World's registered users and send me the following SuperMemo World's products: ITEM PRICE SuperMemo 2.s SHAREWARE (free) $....... SuperMemo 5 SEMIPROFESSIONAL ($25) $....... SuperMemo 6 PROFESSIONAL ($5 for each month of use, up to $300) $....... "Optimization of learning" ($50) $....... "How to be a successful learner" ($30) $....... "How to use SuperMemo without a computer" ($5) $....... ................................. $....... ................................. $....... ................................. $....... ................................. $....... ................................. $....... + postage and packaging --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: $.......... My payment is enclosed .... Bill me later .... My name and address is (type or write in block letters): ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. My SuperMemo World's questionnaire is enclosed: Yes .... No .... I register from the recommendation of the registered user whose no is ........... and name is (optional) ...................... ............................................................... and I wish that he receive the 20% commision on my purchase. I am aware that SuperMemo World reserves the right to suspend or modify the realization of any order that is illegible or ambiguous. Overpayment will be returned as soon as it adds up to $10. ................................. Signature and date ========================================================================= SUPER-MEMO WORLD Os Przyjazni 15-165 61-688 Poznan POLAND tel (48) 61 203157