Program Title: PC BARTENDER version 2.00 Bring exotica to your next party by serving all those wonderful drinks with the amazing names you never can remember the next day! PC-BARTENDER can turn anyone into a talented mixicologist (uh, that's a bartender) with its directions for mixing hundreds of legendary drinks such as Brandy Alexanders, Black Russians, Zombies, and old standbys like eggnog, and mulled wine. A full featured program, PC BARTENDER helps you learn how to mix almost any alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, suggest drinks, keep inventory and know what drinks your inventory will make. PC Bartender tells you in detail how to mix most any drink and you can easily add new concoctions. It boasts nonalcoholic recipes called Mocktails for most drinks. If you are overstocked in some mixes or liquors, tell PC BARTENDER. It will tell you what drinks can be made from them. Usage: Mixing and Inventory of Drinks and Cocktails. Special Requirements: None. Suggested Registration: $15.00 File Descriptions: DRINKS EXE PC-BARTENDER executable progam. RECIPE DAT Recipe file. DINV DAT Bar Inventory file. INTRO DOC Introduction text. READ ME First text to read. OTHER DOC Description of other programs by developer. DRINKS DOC Three page manual. PRINT BAT Prints manual.