Program Title: AMANDA'S LETTER LOTTO AMANDA'S LETTER LOTTO is a simple game for children. It teaches them the alphabet and helps them learn about computers. There are several games that can be played. These range from simply pushing a key and watching the corresponding letter appear on the screen, to a lotto game in which you need to find five letters the computer has selected at random. Usage: Children Games. System Requirements: 128K memory and one disk drive. How to start: Type: LL (press enter). Suggested Registration: $5.00 File Descriptions: AUTOEXEC BAT Batch file to start LETTER LOTTO. PRINT BAT Batch file to print the documentation. LL DOC Documentation for AMANDA'S LETTER LOTTO. LETTERS DAT Data file the holds set up information. LL EXE The Letter Lotto program. LETTERS BAS Source code for AMANDA'S LETTER LOTTO. READ ME Last minute information. INTRO DOC Some informations about the programs. CW EXE Color Wheel Game. CS EXE Color Screen Game (just changes screen colors). CW BAS Source code for Color Wheel game. CS BAS Source code for Color Screen game.