^Introduction - The Peg System\ Having thoroughly learned the rules of the Phonetic Alphabet, you are now equipped to tackle the most versatile amd powerful of all the Memory Master systems - the |Peg System\. You have already learned how to memorise any list of items in sequence, using the Link system. But supposing you wanted to recall, say, what the seventh item of a list was - how would you do it ? You'd probably have to go over the Link in your mind and count the items one by one, until you reached the seventh item. The |Peg System\ enables you to memorise any list of items - in >and out\ of order. For example, think back to the Tutorial on Substitute Words, where you memorised a list of the twelve largest English counties, in sequence. If you were to memorise that list using the Peg System you would ^automatically\ know that, for instance, the fifth largest county is Norfolk, and that the ninth largest county is Hampshire.# The Peg System uses a series of