THE PROGRADE SYSTEM THE FAST, COMPLETE, EASY TO USE GRADING PROGRAM FOR EDUCATORS A Message From the Author of THE PROGRADE SYSTEM: It is truly a pleasure to get so many fine comments about the PROGRADE SYSTEM from users of the programs. When I first conceived of the SYSTEM, I wanted to make a program that would be FAST and USEFUL to educators. So many grading programs or spreadsheets do grades, but they make more work than they save. I wanted a grading program that a teacher could use to enter grades as quickly as could be done into a traditional gradebook-- flipping through a stack of papers and quickly recording grades. I also wanted to make a program that was as easy as possible to learn but sophisticated enough to meet rigorous grading requirements and to provide whatever information the teacher might need, in as positive a light as possible. I am sincerely glad that I have been able to provide this SYSTEM to you and am glad that it can save you some effort and make your clerical life just a little easier, and your teaching just a little more enjoyable. We will all benefit from this-- students and teachers alike. One thing that I did not foresee when I created the SYSTEM was that STUDENTS would like the system, too. It is rewarding to hear that many students are actually motivated to work harder when they can see their grades so fairly and clearly shown to them, and that they actually are pleased to see their grade reports. Hopefully teachers will not use these reports as punishments in any way. They can be wonderful, positive instruments. We have found that the teachers that issue grade reports to students about every week or two see the most positive impacts of the PROGRADE SYSTEM because of the strongly reinforcing nature of the reports. The program is not to be considered a mere calculator for the end of the term. Frequently, positively, and constructively used, it has been shown to INCREASE STUDENT performance. Please -- we'd be delighted to hear from you about how you use the PROGRADE SYSTEM within your class environment, as there are many ways in which it CAN be used. Once again, thank YOU for your comments, your ideas, and your continued enthusiastic support. THANK YOU FOR USING THE PROGRADE SYSTEM! THE AUTHOR REQUESTS A $45 FEE FOR USE OF THE PROGRAM. PLEASE BE FAIR AND CONSIDER THE AUTHOR. If you use the PROGRADE SYSTEM for long, you will notice several things. First of all, your students may show an improvement in their performance because of the prompt feedback that the SYSTEM can provide. Parents may praise you for the thorough reports that you can give. And your family and friends will rejoice -- no more end of the term "grading" -- it's always done and up to date with little effort. Please -- the author worked long and hard writing and having this program field tested. He is an educator like yourself, and is asking for your help. Send what you can; it will be truly appreciated. Please -- it is a violation of copyright law to use this program without registering. And even more-- it's just not fair to the author. Think about how much benefit YOU get weekly from this program! Registered users who update their program will receive professionally packaged software, diskette case, printed manual, and most recent program versions automatically sent. In addition, registered users can earn a $10 finder's fee by convincing any other user to register also. Details of this program are sent upon registration. PLEASE USE THE ORDER/REGISTRATION FORM IN THE BEGIN PROGRAM TO PROPERLY REGISTER OR TO OBTAIN UPDATED VERSIONS. Thank you from the author, WILLIAM E. PEACE P.O. BOX 627 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome. TO LEARN TO USE THE PROGRADE SYSTEM, TYPE READNOW