THANK YOU FOR USING THE PROGRADE SYSTEM! ALL MANUALS AND PROGRAMS COPYRIGHT 1989 BY William E. Peace P.O. Box 627, South Dennis, MASSACHUSETTS 02660 THE AUTHOR REQUESTS A $45 FEE FOR USE OF THESE PROGRAMS. PLEASE BE FAIR AND CONSIDER THE AUTHOR. If you use the PROGRADE SYSTEM for long, you may notice that your students will show an improvement in their performance because of the prompt feedback. Parents may praise you for the thorough reports. And your family and friends WILL rejoice -- no more end of the term "grading" -- it's always done and up to date with little effort! Please -- the author worked long and hard writing and having this program field tested. He is an educator like yourself, and is asking for your help. Send what you can; it will be truly appreciated. Please -- it is a violation of copyright law to use this program without registering. And even more-- it's just not fair to the author. Think about how much benefit YOU get weekly from this program! Registered users who update their program will receive professionally packaged software, diskette case, printed manual, and most recent program versions automatically sent. In addition, registered users can earn a $10 finder's fee by convincing any other user to register also. Details of this program are sent upon registration. PLEASE USE THE ORDER/REGISTRATION FORM IN THE BEGIN PROGRAM TO PROPERLY REGISTER OR TO OBTAIN UPDATED VERSIONS. *** HANDS-ON TUTORIAL *** Use this tutorial together with the REFERENCE USER MANUAL your computer, and the program and utility disks as a way to introduce yourself to the PROGRADE SYSTEM. This is NOT a READ ONLY tutorial! It is a DO EACH STEP ON THE COMPUTER TUTORIAL! Once you go through this tutorial, you will be familiar enough with the SYSTEM to begin to do your own grades. During the tutorial, the and keys have the same meaning. Use whichever key your computer has. Finally, take it easy! Do a few sections at a time and take a break now and again! If at any time you should see a request to insert a disk with COMMAND.COM on it, don't panic. This is just your DOS disk. ************************ DISKS ************************ There are two disks. The UTILITY DISK contains sample grade files (DEMO1, DEMO2, DEMO3, DEMO4). It also contains other files ending in .TXT such as AUTHOR.TXT and COMMENTS.TXT. The .TXT files can be examined with your word processor. They contain additional information about the program. The utility disk contains the GET program (see below). Place the utility disk in drive A and type DIR. You will see the files listed as discussed above. --- Now remove the utility disk and place the other disk (PROGRAM DISK) in drive A and type DIR. The files that end in .EXE are program files. The ~ and CODE files on both disks are used to contain information necessary for the program to function. The RESTORE file is used to reset the screen colors and all other program parameters should you accidentally alter them to a point where the program malfunctions. The HARD files are used to install the program onto a hard disk. The HELPSCRNS area contains on screen helpscreens that the program may call. BOTH DISKS CONTAIN A FILE CALLED READNOW USE A WORD PROCESSOR TO VIEW THIS FILE-- IT CONTAINS INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO START THE PROGRADE SYSTEM UP. ************************************* BEGIN (INITIALIZATION) PROGRAM ************************************* Be sure to read sections I and II of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL before proceeding with the tutorial. It is best to use the manual WITH the tutorial as you proceed. Now, with the PROGRAM disk in drive A, type PRO. Within a few seconds the MASTER MENU will appear. Type the letter B followed by . This will start the INITIALIZE (BEGIN) program. Touch any key as indicated and you will get the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. At this point, you should be sure to read sections III and sections XX of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL. *** SCREEN COLOR SELECTIONS *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch the letter C followed by . Then slowly but repeatedly touch the key until the last line on the screen shows the text colors that you want to use; use backspace to go back. Once at the color you want, touch the letter C. Now the entire screen will be filled with the colors that you have chosen. Now use the key again to change the border color. When the border is correct, touch C and you will be returned to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. *** PRINT REFERENCE USER MANUAL *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch P followed by . This will print the USER REFERENCE MANUAL, much like the one that comes with the PROGRADE disks when you register AND update. It is not necessary to do this if you have the blue printed manual already. Be sure to place the utility disk in DRIVE A when the prompt asks you to, and be sure that your printer is ON. *** PRINT HANDS ON TUTORIAL *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch H followed by . This will print this TUTORIAL. Be sure to place the utility disk in DRIVE A when the prompt asks you to, and be sure that your printer is ON. --- *** VIEW SHORT VERSION OF MANUAL ON SCREEN *** Touch V followed by . A brief index to the help screens will appear. These are condensed versions of important sections of the manual. To view a section, enter the number for that section. Enter 2 to see the section on SETTING PROGRADE UP, for example. BE CERTAIN THAT THE PROGRAM DISK IS IN DRIVE A! When you finish reading the screen, touch to go on. You will be automatically returned to the help screens menu. Try some other help screens. When you finish with the help section altogether, touch to go back to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. *** CHOOSE DISK DRIVE FOR DATA *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch D followed by . When you are prompted, enter the letter for the drive where you will have the data disk. Your best bet is probably to use drive B, even if you just have a single disk drive in your machine. (By using B (not A) if have just one drive, you will be given more clear prompts when you need to switch disks.) Of course, if you have two drives, then you should use drive B also. Most users should use drive B. Just enter the letter B followed by . You may also use drive C. Other configurations are possible, depending on your system; the most common would be to use drive B. *** NAME GRADE CATEGORIES *** Touch G followed by . A complete list of the default grade categories will appear. For example, #1 is TEST, with a code letter of T. Try changing a category. Enter the number 10 followed by . Then, when prompted to do so, enter the name of the category. Enter ESSAY . Now you will be prompted to enter a one letter abbreviation code for ESSAY. Touch SHIFT E . You will be returned to the category list; notice that entry 10 has been changed. Probably you will want to change it back to OTHER with a code of A. Change the categories as you wish, to suit your own grading system for your subject. Keep category names easy to understand as they will appear on various reports. If you teach more than one subject to the same group of students, you may wish to read the appendix to this tutorial before choosing grade categories. Once you finish with this section, touch instead of entering a category number. This action will return you to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. --- *** GRADE WEIGHTING OPTIONS *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch W . At this point, read and consider carefully section XX of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL. Which method you use will depend on how you already do your grades. Do you just add all the scores on all work and divide by the total maximum for all work? That is using UNWEIGHTED grades. Unweighted grades are simple to explain to students; however, you must make assignments more or less important to the grade by using varying maximum values for the assignments (e.g. 10 for homeworks, 100 for tests, and so on) If you want tests to count 50% and homework 20% and so on, then choose WEIGHTED grades. Weighted grades are easy to TELL students about ("Tests will be 50%, Homework 20% and so on), but difficult for most students to comprehend mathematically. With weighted grades, each assignment can be scored out of 100. Personally, we feel that UNWEIGHTED GRADES are simpler to understand for all involved. ONCE YOU HAVE TOUCHED W FROM THE BEGIN PROGRAM MENU, YOU MAY EITHER: Touch N to choose UNWEIGHTED grades, and you will return to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. OR Touch Y to choose WEIGHTED grades. Then choose P to specify percents for grade categories. Now, each category that you have named earlier will appear. Type in the percent that you want that category to count, followed by . Try entering 10 for each of the categories. When the section is complete, you will be returned to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. *** DEFINE LETTER GRADES *** Use this section to alter the numerical values for letter grades. The default values are listed in section XX of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL. To make changes, touch L from the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. Now you will enter a cycle that will ask you to enter numerical values for letter grades. For example, you may enter 98 for an A+ and 95 for an A, and so on. Continue through all letter grades as prompted. Check your work with the check screen that is presented at the end of the section, and then touch enter to return to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. --- *** ADJUST TREND CALCULATIONS *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch T . The screen explains what values are permitted. Entering 12 will reset program to default value. *** PROGRESS REPORT COMMENTS *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM, touch R . Be certain that the PROGRAM DISK is in the operating drive. You will find yourself in a simple word processor that can be used to edit the 14 lines of text that appear on the screen. These lines will appear on printed progress reports. This section will appear at the top of a printed sheet; all of the student's grades will appear at the bottom. You can use this section to write almost anything to appear on the reports. Besides letters, numbers and standard punctuation, the following keys are active during the progress report word processing: F1 The F1 key will save what is on the screen and return you to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. F2 The F2 key will blank out the entire word processing area. That way, you can start from scratch. F3 The F3 key will insert a line (above the cursor), if there is room to insert one. F4 The F4 key will delete the line on which the cursor is found. Additional editing keys are listed on the next page. --- OTHER KEYS ACTIVE DURING EDITING: You may use the PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, END, HOME, INSERT, DELETE, and ARROW KEYS. In addition, you may use standard letters or characters, the SHIFT key, the BACKSPACE key, the CAPS key. Do not use the CONTROL CHARACTERS, THE ALT CHARACTERS or the ESC key or the PRINT key. PAGEUP will bring you to line one of the report PAGEDOWN will bring you to the last line of the report END will bring you to the right column INSERT will add a space in the line at the cursor HOME will bring you to the left column DELETE will delete the letter under the cursor ARROWS will move you up or down one line or character BACKSPACE will move you back one space, without deleting Work in the report area now and use the above keys to set up a report that you like. Once you have changed the report area to suit your needs, save it by touching F1. You will be returned to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. The PROGRADE SYSTEM is designed to have only one progress report form active at a time. To change the form, use this section as it has been described. *** AUTOMATIC SAVE - HOW OFTEN *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, type A . The grading program will automatically save your grades every _____ grades. How often would you like? Just enter that number in response to the prompt. Then touch *** ORDER/REGISTRATION FORM *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, type O . Be certain that the PROGRAM DISK is in drive A. This will print out a complete order form for you to use in ordering/registering for PROGRADE. *** HARD DRIVE LETTER *** If you use DRIVE C as a hard drive, SKIP THIS SECTION! ONLY ACCESS THIS SECTION IF YOU USE ANOTHER HARD DRIVE LETTER, D, E AND SO ON. *** SAVE CHANGES TO DISK *** It is MOST IMPORTANT, after having gone through all of this decision making, to SAVE YOUR CHANGES!! Touch S from the BEGIN PROGRAM menu. You will see a screen that summarizes "all those numbers". They must be correct for your grades to be correct! Check them over, and if necessary, return to the BEGIN PROGRAM menu (from here, by choosing N for not correct) and fix any errors. If all the values appear correct, then type Y in response to the "IS THIS OK" prompt. This will save your grading information to the program and utility disks. --- *** SAVE CHANGES TO DISK AND END MENU *** From the BEGIN PROGRAM menu, touch E and you will be returned to the PROGRADE SYSTEM MASTER MENU. Be certain that the program disk is in DRIVE A. The tutorial will now give you an overview of how to use the ****************************** QUICK PROGRAM ****************************** Be sure to read section XIX of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL before you proceed with the tutorial. First (if not already there) get to the MASTER MENU. Place the PROGRAM DISK in DRIVE A, and type PRO. At the MASTER MENU, type Q to access the QUICK PROGRAM. Be certain that the PROGRAM DISK is in DRIVE A. Once at the title screen for the QUICK PROGRAM, touch any key to get to the QUICK PROGRAM menu. Now you will be asked to place your data disk in the correct drive (depending on how you set the BEGIN PROGRAM). For the tutorial, use the UTILITY DISK as your data disk. Place the disk in the correct drive, and touch a key to go on. You will then reach the QUICK PROGRAM menu. Let's do the easy things first! *** MASTER MENU *** Touch M and you will be brought back to the SYSTEM MASTER MENU. Try it! Then repeat the procedures from the last section to get back to the QUICK PROGRAM menu. Be certain to insert the correct (PROGRAM or DATA) disk at the correct time. --- *** CLASS LISTS *** This is where the FUN begins! From the QUICK PROGRAM menu, touch L . This section will make a list of all students in your grade file; you could use the list for attendance, or for any record keeping. At the first prompt (LOWER LIMIT FOR REPORT), type 0 (That's a zero). At the second prompt, type 100 . This will cause the program to list all students with grades from 0 to 100. Next, you will see a directory of the UTILITY DISK. Notice the four grade files: DEMO1, DEMO2, DEMO3, DEMO4. Try typing in now DEMO1 . Notice that the program is ready to take another file name. Type in DEMO3 . Then type again to stop entering file names. Each file will be used to make a separate list. Next you will be presented with another prompt. Do you want alphabetic lists or lists based on grade? For now, choose alphabetic by touching A And finally, do you want single or double spaced, or boxes next to the name? Try B for the boxes. WOW!! How many boxes do you want? Touch 10 at the next prompt and Set your printer and touch Y in response to OK TO CONTINUE. Your lists will now be printed by the printer. Try some other lists using the DEMO files. The list function is SOME USEFUL! Once your list is printed, you will automatically be returned to the QUICK PROGRAM menu. *** SUMMARY REPORT *** The summary report will print a summary of all students in the class, showing their overall average and their average for each of the ten grade categories. You can print percent averages or, for comparative purposes, class ranks. From the QUICK PROGRAM menu, type S . Once again you will be presented with the directory of the disk. You should notice DEMO1, DEMO2, etc. on the directory. Type in DEMO3 . Then type in DEMO4 . Then, to stop entering filenames type another . Now you will be asked to choose between PERCENTS for the report, or RANKS. This time, touch P to have percents printed. Then, be certain that the printer is set up and on line. Next, in response to the OK TO CONTINUE prompt, type Y . Since the calculations involved in preparing this printout are quite lengthy, you may notice a short delay before printing starts. When the printout is complete, you will be automatically returned to the QUICK PROGRAM menu. --- *** GRADE REPORTS *** From the QUICK PROGRAM menu, type G to print grade reports. Grade reports are printed two to a page and show the student's complete grade record. PROGRESS reports, on the other hand, are printed one to a page and have the 14 line progress report comment section (composed using the BEGIN PROGRAM) printed at the top of the sheet, and the student's complete grade record at the bottom. Once you have typed G, you will be asked to print reports or preview reports. For now, type 2 to preview the reports. Next, you will be prompted, as in the other reports, to enter lower and upper limits of grades to find. To see all grades, enter 0 for a lower limit and 100 for an upper limit. Then, as in the previous reports, you will be asked to enter the filenames to view. Enter DEMO3 and then enter again to stop entering filenames and go on. All students' reports will now appear in alphabetical order. Touch C at this point. Now you can type in a short comment that will appear only on Ethan Balmer's report. Type in: LET'S GO FOR AN A NEXT TIME, ETHAN. You will then be brought to the next report. You can return to the main menu by typing E, although this will lose your comments. To preserve the comments, pick P at the time that a report is being shown. Try this now. Type P again to choose printing ALL reports. You will be asked to enter a comment that will appear on all reports. Type in: FINAL REPORT, THIRD QUARTER . Then, get the printer ready and on line and type Y in response to the OK TO CONTINUE prompt. If the report is dated incorrectly, be certain to enter the date correctly when you first boot your computer. This is the date that is placed on the reports. Notice the comments on the reports, as you have typed them in. The reports are designed to be quite self explanatory. However, some students sometimes ask about the letters in the left column. These, of course, are the letters indicating if an assignment is a test, quiz, homework, etc. Sometimes students are concerned that the category averages do not "AVERAGE OUT" to the overall average. This, of course, should NOT occur; homework and test, for example, are unlikely to be of equal value. Either by setting different maximum values or else by using weighted grades, you have told the program to count one assignment more than another. Naturally, it does this; but sometimes students need a simple explanation. Once the report is complete, you will be returned automatically to the QUICK PROGRAM menu. If you do not wish to screen reports and add comments, you can choose the grade report option and then proceed directly to printing. This is the quickest way to get the information out. --- *** PROGRESS REPORTS *** From the QUICK PROGRAM menu, type P to enter the progress report section. From that point on, simply follow the same instructions as for the grade report section. Everything will work the same, but the reports will be full page reports with the 14 line comment section at the top. Try the progress reports for DEMO3. Use the same instructions as in the previous section. Try entering PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________________ for the comment that will appear on EACH report. This can help make a fine, detailed progress report. *** MASTER MENU *** To return to the MASTER MENU type M . Let's return to the master menu to look at the MAIN PROGRAM. Type M to return to the MASTER MENU. Be sure that the program disk is in the correct drive. --- The tutorial will now give you an overview of how to use the ******************************** MAIN PROGRAM ******************************** Be sure to read sections IV - XVI of the USER REFERENCE MANUAL you proceed with the tutorial. First (if not already there) get to the MASTER MENU. Place the PROGRAM DISK in DRIVE A, and type PRO. Then touch M to enter the MAIN PROGRAM. At the title screen, touch any key to continue. Then, as instructed, be certain that the data disk is in the specified drive. For this tutorial, use the UTILITY DISK as the data disk. Once the disk is in, touch any key to go on. If you have more than one utility disk in your program set, use the one of the correct size. Next, you will see a directory of the UTILITY DISK. Notice the DEMO1, DEMO2, DEMO3, DEMO4 filenames. At this point, touch G to GET one of these files. C, which we will not do here, would CREATE a totally new file. The program will now prompt you for a filename. Type in DEMO1 . After the grades are read from the disk, EDWARD BARNET'S grades will appear. Touch the key several times. Notice how the cursor moves from the NAME area to the GRADE area (ASSIGNMENT.GRADE area). Touch until the cursor is back in the name area. Now touch G (no return). Notice that JOHANNA GRIBLY'S name appears in the name area. Touch and her grades will also appear. Return to the name area and touch S (no return) Notice that DAVID SMITH'S name appears. Now touch T (no return). The name SAM STEVENS now appears. The program recognizes names based on the minimum required number of characters. To get STEVEN'S grades, you must type ST in the name area. To get SMITH'S, you need only type S . You can also move from name to name using the up and down arrow keys. Try going through the list now! EASY! Now touch the BACKSPACE key to blank out the name area. Try typing STO (no return) . Notice that the program does not recognize any names like this. You are free to continue. Do it. Type STORRS RICHARD (If you make an error, use backspace and redo the entire name.) The program will now ask if this is a new name. Type Y . Notice that STORRS has no grades yet! Return to the NAME area (NOT THE ASSIGNMENT AREA!) and touch G . Now return to the name area and touch STO . It's that easy to get the student's record! Don't forget that you can always use the arrow keys, too. --- Now let's enter a grade for JOHANNA GRIBLY. Get her grades on the screen and touch enter to get to the grade area. Then type 35.9 This will give her a grade of 9 on assignment 35. Notice how the grade is changed immediately, as is her overall average. Now try changing the grade to 8. Get to the grade area with Type in 35.8 Since the program recognizes that you are changing the grade, it prompts you to be sure that you wish to make the change. Type Y to make the change. Now return to the grade area and simply type 7 (no 35 this time) and then Y to change the grade. Once you have specified one assignment number, you don't need to specify the assignment number until you change to another assignment; this speeds entry of a class of papers. Now get STORRS grade on the screen and enter assignment 35 equal to 10 points. (In the name area, type STO and then type 10 in the grade area. DONE!) Try some of the other names and other grades. To enter a grade for an altogether new assignment, simply specify the grade and the assignment number. Let's say you just get a test grade for JOHANNA GRIBLY. This will become assignment 38, the next available assignment. Get GRIBLY'S grades, and in the grade area, enter 38.95 to give her a 95 grade. Note that the program recognizes this as a new assignment and asks you if it is. Respond with Y . Next you will be asked to give an assignment description. Type in COSBY TEST and then type in T for the category code. Finally, type in 100 for the maximum grade value. You did it! All of the students now have an assignment 38. Get to DOBSON'S grades and enter a value of 86 for this assignment. While this grade entry method is complex to explain, it is fast to use and particularly fast to use in going through a class set of papers. In the grade entry area, you may also enter one of the letters found in the box at the bottom right of the screen. For example, get STORR'S grades and then type Z in the grade area. Follow the instructions, and STORR will be totally deleted from the grade file. (There are less drastic measures to make grades not count, however.) Let's look at each of these letter options individually. *** REPORTS *** To get to the reports section, type R in the grade entry area. This will get you to a reports menu. Section XII of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL has detailed descriptions of what each of the report options is about. At this point, you should read this section of the manual again. Try one of these options at a time, starting with A for the alphabetical lists. To return to the report menu from the report itself, simply touch the enter key. --- Each report can be printed by using the PRINT SCREEN (or SHIFT PRINT SCREEN on some computers) key on your computer. Be sure to try EACH report option before you proceed with the rest of the tutorial. *** SAVE DATA TO DISK *** To save your data at any time, type S in the grade entry area. Try it now! Your grade file will be saved and you will be returned to your work. Use this section whenever you like to save your grades as you work. The demonstration version of the program, it should be noted, will not save grade files. A detailed explanation of the .EXT and .BAK files is found in section XIII of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL. *** MODIFICATIONS *** To get to the modifications section, type M . Try it! You will then be at the MODIFICATIONS MENU. On your own grades, be careful here! The purpose of the modifications section is to allow you to revise ANY entry that you have already made. Needless to say, careless work here could have a direct negative effect on your grades. Read section XI of the USER REFERENCE MANUAL before proceeding with the tutorial. With the DEMO1 file in memory, you have little to worry about. Now is the time to explore! Options 1, 2, and 3 will cause grades NOT TO COUNT. Try each one, one at a time, and then return to the main program. Look at the grades on the screen to see the effects of what you have done. The * next to the assignment indicates that it does NOT COUNT. A * next to a student name indicates that ALL of the student's grades do not count. Options 6, 7, and 8 from the modifications menu will reverse the first three options. Try each of these, one at a time, and then return to the main program with choice 13. Look at the grades to see the effects. Notice that the * are removed and that the grades now count again. --- Try option 4. With it you can change the description of an assignment. Change assignment 6 to read DENSITY, a Homework assignment worth 10 points. Option 5 can be used to change a student name. Try changing JILL THOMPSON'S name to JILL TOMPSON. Then use option 13 to return to the main program, and type in T in the name area. There it is! Option 9 will recalculate the values of all grades for one assignment; this is so that you can change the maximum value. For example, choose option 9. Then choose assignment 35, which is now worth 10 points maximum. Give it a new maximum value of 20. Now return to the main program. Notice how each grade for assignment 35 is now out of 20 points. It would be rare to use this section, but it's there just in case. Option 10 will eliminate an assignment from the grades. This totally removes all reference to the grades. Try it and remove assignment 37. Return to the main program. NO MORE OLD ASSIGNMENT 37!! and no way back. If you want a less decisive option, use option 6 to mark an assignment NOT TO COUNT. Now, have some fun! Try option 11 from the MODIFICATION menu. You are given a choice of assignments to scale, or you can just touch the key to scale ALL assignments for ALL students. This would directly raise the class average. Type to scale all the grades. Then type A to add to each student's grades; then enter a scaling factor of 5 (% sign is not to be entered). Return to the main program and notice that the grades are going higher! While we advise some discretion in using this option, it is there for those who seek it! Read section XV on the scaling of grades. It is well worth your serious thought if you do scale grades, as different scaling methods benefit different types of students differently. Now pick option 12 from the MODIFICATION menu. This will allow you to TEMPORARILY switch from weighted to unweighted grades. BE CERTAIN that you have used the BEGIN program already to set appropriate weights for each category. Try switching from unweighted to weighted grades and back. Then return to the main program to see the effect on the grades. There are differences in the grade outcomes, of course. Here again, some careful thought should be given, in advance!! NOTE: To change more permanently from weighted to unweighted or vice versa, use the BEGIN program. This option 12 is ONLY TEMPORARY! By now, you must know -- option 13 will return you to the main program. --- *** GET ANOTHER CLASS *** From the main program, you may type G in the grade area to save the file you are now working on and to get another file. Try it! The file will be saved immediately, so be sure that the data disk is in the correct drive. (Reminder: the demonstration program does not save files and will skip this section.) Then the program will return you to the option to get or create a file. You are back at the beginning of the program, and can get or create another file. If you choose G, you will be getting a file already on the disk (such as DEMO1, DEMO2, ETC.). If you choose C (let's do that, now), then you will CREATE A TOTALLY NEW FILE. Type C at the get/create prompt. You will need to type another to continue. This is to be CERTAIN that your wish is to create a file. Then enter the filename TEST in response to the next prompt. You will soon arrive at the main program screen -- but no grades, no names. That's right! It's totally blank. Try entering a few names and grades, as we have already done. Then save the file. (NOTE: DEMO FILES ARE NOT ACTUALLY SAVED TO THE DISK.) *** LIST FILES ON DISK **** This simple section can be accessed by typing L in the main program grade entry area. You will simply get a directory of your data disk, in case you forget the file names. You will also be given the option of DELETING files at this point. As always, you should use this option sparingly. Try deleting a demo file sometime, but not right now, OK ? *** DELETE A STUDENT *** Type Z in the main program grade entry area and the student whose grades are on the screen can be totally deleted from the grade file. This section is best used sparingly. It might be better to leave the grades and simply use the modification section to mark them not to count. --- *** HELP *** Type H in the main program grade entry area and the help screens menu will appear. The help screens are condensed versions of important sections of the manual. To view a section, enter the number for that section. Enter 2 to see the section on SETTING PROGRADE UP, for example. BE CERTAIN THAT THE PROGRAM DISK IS IN DRIVE A! When you finish reading the screen, touch to go on. You will be automatically returned to the help screens menu. Try some other help screens. When you finish with the help section altogether, touch to go back to the main program. *** EXIT FROM PROGRAM *** Type E in the main program grade entry area and the title screen will first appear. Touch any key to go on and you will be given a choice: No (I don't really want to end), Yes (I'm all done with the PROGRADE SYSTEM, but save my grades first), and Master Menu (save my grades, but I want to get back to that MASTER MENU). Try choosing M at this point, so that we can go on with the tutorial. Be certain that the PROGRAM DISK is in the drive A when prompted. Soon, the MASTER MENU will reappear. Were you to choose Y in the above paragraph, the program would then terminate completely. The screen would then ask you to type in a drive name and the word EXTRA. This command will make an EXTRA copy (called an .EXT file) of any file that you have just accessed; follow the screen instructions to be certain that you are placing an extra disk in the correct drive at the correct time. At this point, however, the tutorial will go on, so you will not see this sequence. --- The tutorial will now give you an overview of how to use the ******************************** PROPLUS PROGRAM ******************************** Be sure to read sections XVII and XVIII of the USER REFERENCE MANUAL before you proceed with the tutorial. First (if not already there) get to the MASTER MENU. Place the PROGRAM DISK in DRIVE A, and type PRO. Then touch P to enter the PROPLUS PROGRAM. At the title screen, touch any key to continue. Then, as instructed, be certain that the data disk is in the specified drive. For this tutorial, use the UTILITY DISK as the data disk. Once the disk is in, touch any key to go on. At this point, enter the filename for the grades you wish to examine. Enter DEMO1 at this point. Shortly the PROPLUS menu will appear. Let's try one option at a time. Option 1 will clone a grade file. Pick this option and see what it does. You will be asked for a new filename: use TEST2 . What the clone section does is make a new gradefile, named TEST2 in this case, that has NO GRADES, NO ASSINGMENTS, ONLY STUDENT NAMES. This is a timesaver at the beginning of the quarter, as it makes it so that you don't have to reenter those names. It could also be used to make more than one grade file for a particular class. If you wish, you can load the cloned file from the main program. However, you cannot use it in PROPLUS, as it contains no grades to process. Now, reload DEMO1. Option 2 from PROPLUS will compare any two assignments. Technically, it calculates a correlation coefficient between any two assignments. Try comparing several assignments. Consistent grading and consistent class performance will cause correlations that are high. Other values may require some consideration. Any elementary statistics book will provide a detailed discussion of correlation. --- Option 3 from the PROPLUS menu will calculate the VARIABILITY of grades. Try it! The student listed as #1 shows the greatest variability in his grades (his scores vary considerably, from 30s to 100's to 50's to 90's for example); his work should be given close attention to try to determine the cause of this type of variation. Simply touch the key and then return to the PROPLUS menu. Option 4 from the PROPLUS menu will show a histogram graph of grades in the class. You can choose to show just one assignment, or you can choose to show all assignments (overall averages). Try this, and show averages by just touching at the prompt. The graph is a nice, easy way to get an overall picture of the class's work, or of their work on any individual assignment. Touch the key to return to the PROPLUS menu. Option 5 from the PROPLUS menu will allow you to view ranked listings of averages in each of the 10 grade categories. For example, who has the highest homework average? Choose option 5, and then choose category 3. TARA VINCENT has the highest homework average, while MIKE DOBSON (there he is again!) has the lowest. Notice that TARA's grade is over 100%. The program will correctly handle extra credit and excess credit (104/100, for example); do not be afraid to use such grades. More information about extra credit is found at the end of this tutorial. The "CONSISTENT", "VARIES", "TREND UP' and "TREND DOWN" notations may be helpful to you in spotting trends; however, as the REFERENCE MANUAL explains in section XX, there is a certain degree of judgement in this type of description. Use the begin program if you wish to make the trend detection more or less sensitive. To return to the PROPLUS menu at this time, touch the key and then M . Choose option 6 now from the PROPLUS menu. This option will present you with the student roster. Pick any student or type by itself (for all students). You will see individual grade reports with TRENDS indicated. You may have some occasional use to print reports with these trends shown. Simply use the PRINT SCREEN feature of your computer to do the printing. In other ways, the report is identical to reports generated by the MAIN PROGRAM or by the QUICK PROGRAM. Go to the next report with and touch E to leave this section. Option 7,8, and 9 allow you to save OVERALL AVERAGES from your grade files into files called YEAR FILES. Use a separate name for your year file. The program will automatically attach a .YR extension to the filename you give. --- Choose option 7 now. For the year file name, enter TEST3 . Then enter C to CREATE this year file. Once the file is created on disk, choose column 1 into which to enter the grades. Type 1 and then type Y in response to the OK prompt. Finally, enter QUAR1 (for quarter 1) as the short code to identify the column, and 20 as the amount the quarter's grade will count toward the final average. The grades will now appear on the screen. This is the year file. You can use it to record grades from up to ten grade files (for the same students). Touch to leave the section and save the file. Choose option 8 now. This section can be used to record exam grades for each student. It could be used to store other data, also. For the year file, enter TEST3 . Then enter G to GET THE file you already created in option 6. At the prompt, choose column 2. Now the program will take you through the class list. Enter the exam grade for each student, making them up as you go. Use EXAM as the short code to identify the column, and 10 as the amount to count toward the average. This will return you to the year file. Remember, you can always use PRINT SCREEN to print the screen to the printer. Should you wish to change just a single exam grade, enter 99 at this point. Try changing a few grades using this method. Return to the main PROPLUS menu using 0 . (zero) Option 9 from the PROPLUS menu will simply access the year file for you to view it. It will also show you a bar graph of grades to date. Try viewing TEST3 at this time. Use to leave the section. Now choose option 10. You will be reminded to insert the data disk and then asked for a new filename. Try DEMO4. Then try some of the options that we have already looked at. Finally, we reach option 11. Option 11 will bring you back to the MASTER MENU. Here, choose G to learn about the GET program. More information is found on the next page. Once back at the master menu, choose E to end the program. You MAY see: INSERT DISK WITH COMMAND.COM. What's this? This is a DOS message that sometimes appears when large programs are ended. There is nothing to worry about. Your own DOS disk is the disk that is being asked for. Insert the DOS DISK at this time and touch any key. At a later time, you may use sec. II of the REFERENCE MANUAL to avoid seeing this message. However, proceed carefully and do exactly what the manual says. Once you are back to the DOS, you may put the program and data back where they had been just before you ended. Then, follow the screen instructions to cause your work to be copied to .EXT files. Try it now by following the instructions that had appeared on the screen. NOTE: DEMO FILES ARE NOT ACTUALLY SAVED TO THE DISK, SO AT THIS TIME, YOU WILL GET AN RESPONSE THAT SAYS FILE NOT FOUND. When you do your own grades, you will not get this response. --- ******************************* GET PROGRAM ******************************* This program IS ON THE UTLITY DISK. This program will enable you to quickly print a single grade report or a handful of grade reports from a single class WITH A SINGLE COMMAND and no menus to access. Let's try it now. First, get to the DOS SYSTEM prompt. If necessary, reinsert your DOS disk. Then, insert the PROGRADE UTILITY DISK in A: The GET program is found on the UTILITY disk, not on the PROGRAM disk! Be certain that your printer is ON line and powered ON. Now type: GET DEMO1 STEVENS SMITH* GRIB The program will ask you to insert your data disk. Once this has been done, then touch enter. You will now get a printed grade report for STEVENS, for SMITH, and TWO for GRIBLY. The * causes an EXTRA report to be printed. You may use up to 3 * . Do not use first and last names, just last names; you may use any unique portion of a name rather than the entire name (such as GRIB instead of GRIBLY), and you may use 0-35 names in any sequence. GET DEMO1 STEV** SMIT GRIBLY* would print 3 reports for STEVENS, one for SMITH, and 2 for GRIBLY. GET DEMO2 would print a grade report for each student in the class. Do not use more than one filename with the GET program. Use the QUICK program instead. Also, do not use drive letters before the filenames. The GET program is best used to print a handful of reports when students, parents, or school personnel require "instant" service. --- ******************************* NOW.... YOUR OWN GRADES ******************************* You can now proceed using some of your own grades. Use blank formatted disks on which to store your grades. Use some sensible precautions in protecting your data, too. Information on protecting your data disks, on setting up files for multiple subjects with the same students, on extra credit, and on rounding follows in the appendix of this tutorial. Set up your own grade files using the main program and examine them using the MAIN program and then the QUICK and PROPLUS programs. You'll probably be overwhelmed with the amount of information that the program can generate. Learn to use the sections that you feel are most useful to you. And most importantly, use this information to HELP students, not to PUNISH them. Remember, there are other files on the utility disk that you should examine. These files end in .TXT and can be examined using most word processors. --- ********************************** APPENDIX *********************************** ABOUT ROUNDING IN THE PROGRADE SYSTEM Numbers in the PROGRADE SYSTEM programs must necessarily be rounded before they are output to the screen or printer. This can sometimes create confusion. If a student's grade were 73.461, for example, it would be rounded on output to 73 if it is being output to the closest integer. That is because the .461 is less than .500. The 73.461 would round to 73.5, however, if the result is being output to the closest tenth. This is as it should be, as the .461 should round to .5 The problem occurs when the rounded values are compared. 73 vs. 73.5 The correct grade, as the program reports, is 73 (rounded to the nearest integer). It is not 74, which would be rounding TWICE. You can rely on the PROGRADE SYSTEM to round properly for you. DO NOT ROUND YOURSELF (such as from 73.5 to 74) UNLESS YOU DO NOT MIND ROUNDING TWICE. ERROR CODES 4 OUT OF DATA -- Your data file may have been damaged. 7 OUT OF MEMORY -- You need additional memory in your computer. 24 DEVICE TIMEOUT - Check printer: online ? all cables connected? 25 DEVICE FAULT -- Some input/output device was not ready. 27 OUT OF PAPER -- Check paper in your printer; check if it's ON. 53 FILE NOT FOUND - Insert disk with this file; check the filename. 57 DEVICE I/O ERR - Check all inputs/outputs. Formatted disk in ? 61 DISK FULL -- Use another formatted disk. 62 INPUT PAST END - Your data file may have been damaged. 64 BAD FILENAME -- Use correct length and characters in filenames. 67 DIRECTORY FULL - 255 files maximum in a directory. 68 DEVICE UNAVAILABLE - Some device is not on line. 70 DISK WRITE PROTECTED - Do not use write protected disks. 71 DISK NOT READY - Put the disk in the drive and shut drive door. 72 DISK MEDIA ERROR - Use another disk; defect on this disk or drive. 75 PATH ERROR -- Do not use pathnames with PROGRADE. 76 (see 75) This is to prevent you from misplacing files. For information on other errors, consult any DOS manual or contact the PROGRADE SYSTEM. --- MULTIPLE SUBJECTS IN THE PROGRADE SYSTEM THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS: TEACHERS WHO TEACH MULTIPLE SUBJECTS TO THE SAME STUDENTS can still use the PROGRADE SYSTEM to do their grades. There would be two essentially different ways to go about this. Be sure to go through the TUTORIAL (accessed from the BEGIN program) before deciding how to set up your own grades. METHOD 1: Make a single class file for your class. Use the BEGIN program to set the grade categories for the individual areas, such as READING, MATH, SPANISH, and so on. When you enter any grades to the grade file, you will specify if it is for the READING, MATH, SPANISH (etc.) category. ADVANTAGE: You will have just one file for your class. You can get the averages for each category in several places in the program, including the main program reports section, the QUICK program summary report (easiest for the whole class), or the PROPLUS program grade reports and the PROPLUS program rank students section. DISADVANTAGE: The overall average on the grade and progress reports may not have a significance to you, as it would represent a combination of the different subjects. METHOD 2: Make a separate class file FOR EACH SUBJECT MATTER. Use the main program to make your first subject matter file, such as READING, and then use the PROPLUS program to clone that file, making one copy of the file for each of your subject areas, MATH, SPANISH, and so on. Then use the BEGIN program to set grade categories to areas such as QUIZ, TEST, ORAL WORK, and so on. When you enter grades, access the file for the subject matter you are grading at the time (READING, SPANISH, MATH, etc.) and when you are asked to pick the grade category, use Q for QUIZ, T for TEST, and so on. IF YOU USE METHOD 2, BE SURE TO USE A SEPARATE DISK FOR EACH DIFFERENT SET OF STUDENTS. (Otherwise, for example, a SPANISH file for one class could not be distinguished from a SPANISH file for another class of students.) --- ADVANTAGE: You will have more information at your disposal. If you need progress reports just for failures in MATH and SPANISH, for example, then you could do this with the QUICK program. The overall average on the report would be the overall average for that particular subject matter. If you were to use the QUICK program summary report, the overall average would be shown (for the particular subject); also shown would be all the averages for the different categories (TEST, QUIZ). Since you can enter up to 10 filenames at once into the QUICK program, your work in getting all the individual subject grades is min- imized. DISADVANTAGE: You will have to make several subject matter files in the first place, and this will take more time. Also, you will need to access the files individually to enter the grades for the different subjects, and this will take more time. However, you will then have A LOT of information at your immediate disposal. TEACHERS WHO DO NOT TEACH MULTIPLE SUBJECTS TO THE SAME STUDENTS: Simply use a separate class file for each of your classes, and grade categories as discussed in the REFERENCE USER'S MANUAL. --- HOW TO ENTER EXTRA CREDIT TO THE PROGRADE SYSTEM The purpose of an extra credit grade is to reward a student who has done extra work, but NOT to penalize the student that has not. It is important to keep this in mind. In order to accomplish this fairly, extra credit grades must be entered to any grading system in one of two fashions, depending on whether you use WEIGHTED GRADES or UNWEIGHTED grades. First, make your decision on the type of grades to use. See section XX of the REFERENCE USER MANUAL. EXTRA CREDIT FOR UNWEIGHTED GRADES To enter extra credit if you use unweighted grades, simply add an assignment that is worth 0 points (enter 0 as the MAX VALUE). Then if a student has earned 12 points of extra credit, simply enter the 12 as his or her grade. Thus, the student will have 12 out of 0. For example, if this is assignment 4, to give the extra credit, type 4.12 NEW ASSIGNMENT ? Y DESCRIPTION EXTRA CRED CATEGORY E MAX VALUE 0 This will not penalize students who have no extra credit, as they are expected to have a 0; anything above that is "gravy", as the expression goes. (You may need to explain this to your students when they see their grade reports; a student with 0 for extra credit is not penalized in ANY WAY.) You may enter the assignment to any category at all; however, that category will show an increased average for students with any extra credit. You can create an EXTRA CRED category (E) and then the other averages will not be directly affected, only the overall average. This is the best approach. --- EXTRA CREDIT FOR WEIGHTED GRADES If you use weighted grades, it is IMPERATIVE that you DO NOT FOLLOW the above procedures. The reason for this is that you would be PENALIZING students with no extra credit, and LOWERING THEIR GRADES. DO NOT CREATE A SPECIAL CATEGORY FOR EXTRA CREDIT if you use weighted grades, or else you will lower some student's grades. Instead, enter the extra credit INTO ANOTHER ASSIGNMENT'S GRADES. For example, if you use weighted grades and a student just earned some extra credit, then access some existing assignment's grade and add the extra credit to the present value. Let's say that the student had gotten 57% on ASSIGNMENT 3, a TEST. Then, to add 12% extra credit, simply type 3.69 CHANGE GRADE ? Y The 69 is the 12 added to the 57. If a student started with 91 and earned 12, then simply enter 3.103 With weighted grades, there is no way to do extra credit without changing the average in SOME category. This is not a function of the PROGRADE SYSTEM; it is merely a function of the way the weighted system works. REMEMBER: DO NOT CREATE ANY SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS OR CATEGORIES FOR EXTRA CREDIT IF YOU USE WEIGHTED GRADES, OR YOU WILL BE PENALIZING STUDENTS WITH NO EXTRA CREDIT. --- A FEW POINTERS ABOUT PROTECTING YOUR DATA DISKS Needless to say, your grades are important information, and you do not want to damage the disk media that contains your grades. With this in mind, you should take several precautionary measures to prevent grade loss: 1. Frequently print your grades using the report section, part L Also, physically copy your grade data disk periodically using DOS commands. Find someone to help you if you are not sure how. Your grades are important! 2. Use only highest quality disks for data storage. 3. Keep your disk drives in clean, optimum operating condition. Keep dust and cigarette smoke away from your drives. 4. Do not try to overfill the disks with grade data. It is probably best to store only one quarter's grades on each disk. Use a new disk for the next quarter. 5. Never try to use a data disk that has under 40,000 bytes free space left. 6. Never remove the data disk until the disk drive light is completely out. If you go "by sound" or try to beat the drives, you run an excellent chance of creating cross-linked files that would be difficult if not impossible to recover. 7. Keep your disks away from magnetism (loudspeakers, radios); keep your disks away from liquids, dirt, dust, heat, or bending; and keep your disks away from the monitor or the computer, except for the drives. 8. Do not use CTRL-BREAK to terminate any program. You will definitely lose the data you have worked on; you may damage the entire disk directory. 9. Always use the COPY instructions that appear at the end of PROGRADE. Use a blank formatted disk for the .EXT copies that will be produced. 10. HARD DRIVE USERS: Frequently store your grades onto a floppy disk. FREQUENTLY use proper procedures to maintain your hard drive, especially CHKDSK and other HARD DRIVE UTILITIES. Please -- the author worked long and hard writing and having this program field tested. He is an educator like yourself, and is asking for your help. Send what you can; it will be truly appreciated. PLEASE USE the order/registration form in the BEGIN program to register and to obtain updated versions. Thank you from the author, WILLIAM E. PEACE P.O. BOX 627 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome. ---