Documentation and instructions for the program(s) on this disk are contained in on-disk document (text) files. Common extensions for such files are .DOC and .TXT. Common file names are READ.ME, README.1ST, and so on. To view a document file on your screen, use the TYPE command. For example, to view a file named READ.ME, enter TYPE READ.ME at the DOS prompt. To obtain a printout of the file press before entering the TYPE command. SOFSOURCE is the library of the University Software Developers Group, a non-profit group comprising independent software developers nationwide. We thank you for your support! A complete catalog of shareware and public domain programs for the IBM PC and compatibles may be obtained by calling 1-800-338-2118 or 1-317-497-3301. Or you may write to us at : SOFSOURCE P.O. Box 2737 West Lafayette, IN 47906 The catalog is free and our distribution fee is just $2-$4 per program disk. If you enjoy a shareware program and use it on a regular basis, please become a registered user. In so doing, you will help insure a continuing supply of low cost, quality programming for your computer. Also, please abide by the licensing agreement extended to you by the author. The SOFSOURCE catalog, disk numbering system, and many individual programs and disk collections are copyrighted material held by SOFSOURCE. If you should encounter difficulty running any of the programs, do not hesitate to call SOFSOURCE technical support at: 1-317-497-3301 We'll be happy to help you in whatever way we can. ENJOY!