After entering the abyss, your surroundings dissolved in a violent blue flash. You seemed to float through creme-de-menthe colored gelatin for an eternity. Gradually you seemed to be approaching some surface in the distance..... With a noise far louder than a popping soap-bubble, you find yourself standing at one end of a narrow stone causeway. The floor is of alternating squares of blue-veined orange and orange-veined blue marble, for an effect rather like the Trump Tower atrium, except worse. The causeway seems to hang suspended in the midst of a great void. In the distance ahead the path seems to widen out into a large platform. A chill runs down your spine and the floor is cold beneath your bare feet. You notice that all your possessions seem to have been lost somewhere.... All you have is your bare hands and brain.... There is the sound of a single bell chiming, and the musical tone somehow reverberates for long moments despite the lack of walls to provide echoes. The note fades. With a sudden roar, a blue flame erupts from the center of the causeway! A strangely familiar voice rings out from it: "Foolish Mortal! You have entered upon the Adept's Challenge...." "There is no escape!" "There is no victory!" The flame flickers out. Well, you've really done it this time, haven't you?