(The project demo is due tomorrow, er, that is, today, at 0900. It's now 0300. Printouts, pizza boxes, and szechuan kitchen trays litter your desk, and the bitmap screen seems to warp in and out of focus.... The compiler seems to be taking *FOREVER*....) (You do a routine check on your filesystem...) % df Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /users 0 6818 0 999% / /secur/omega +inf +inf +inf 0% / (How odd. The /secur filesystem definitely shouldn't be mounted; it must be space used by the omega team, a very hush-hush project you know nothing about. Well, no wonder the compiler is wedged; you don't seem to have any disk space left. Unfortunately, there is no night operator and you don't know the su password. Cursing, you figure you can at least find out what the damn omega group is doing....) % cd /secur/omega % ls src/ bin/ doc/ tmp/ lib/ README % more README If you are reading this file, you should not be reading this file! Call your project cadre leader at once! % (Not bloody likely!) % ls doc % (Hmm, not big on documentation, huh) % ls src omega.mpc % (Wow, that must be mondo-parallel c, for the new optical machine!) % ls bin omega % (Well, hell, what can happen? And if it does, it's not *MY* fault the damn filesystem is mounted!) % omega (This was definitely a mistake. For long moments nothing seemed to happen. Then there was a flare of bluish light from the workstation screen, like a brightness of 256 on a scale of 0..7. You wake up with a serious headache outside the massive gates of a walled city. You notice a pouch at your side that seems to be filled with.... gold! You seem to hear a faint voice fading off into the distance "Interrupt SIGZAP at 0x0"....)