Welcome to Rampart! A guidebook of the Rampart Tourist Association. Rampart is the sole city in this area of LOCUS, a bastion which the wild forces of both Law and Chaos cannot breach. Within the town there is a truce between the followers of Law and Chaos which is hardly ever broken. The visitor to Rampart will enjoy a wide range of divertissements, from shopping at Rampart's diverse assortment of shops, to attending games at the Rampart Coliseum, to a relaxing picnic at the Botanical Gardens. Distinguished visitors may apply for an audience with the Duke, who is said to be the greatest courtier on LOCUS. Others spend their nights (and days) gambling at the Rampart Casino. The traveller who intends a longer stay in Rampart should check out the various guilds, societies, and clubs which protect and employ almost all the citizenry. The Commandant of the Mercenary Guild is always hiring, just for example. Many travellers are attracted to the Collegium Magii -- scholarships are available to the qualified. A few cautions should be offered to the unwary. Rampart's sewer system is dangerous, and while there is ABSOLUTELY NO TRUTH to the rumors of treasure-filled dungeons and caverns beneath the city, many disappearances each year are attributed to unauthorized excursions beneath the city. For the larcenous-minded, be warned that Rampart's City Guard is uncorruptible. It is just a matter of time, promises Morgon the Justiciar, until the secret hideout of the Thieves' Guild is uncovered.... But these warnings are surely unnecessary for the vast majority of our visitors who will be perfectly safe if they act with reasonable caution....