PacWars ------- Welcome to the third version of Pacwars. Since the last one the team have been liquidised, unemployed, re-employed and generally abused. Hence this version still does not run on Netware 386 (in fact we don't know if it runs at all) as no-one managed to claim the network and server as personal property. For the past four months there hasn't been a single cry of 'No theres not a Pearl in here, Honest'. Are we cured - no just desperate for a blast! This version incorporates a sprite editor, to enable the creation of personalised PacPersons. Is there someone in your office who deserves to be shot in the back of the head. Included for your entertainment and a starter for ten are: Pac O'3, PacSaddam and PacStonk. Any interesting creations will be gratefully received/admired/thrown in the bin. The best will be distributed to registered users and included in future versions. 'Fame At Last, eh!' Incorporated in this version are the following suggestions: Increased High Score - now 655,000+ G C Grenade - select fire and run for the next room G Warping Pearl - when shot may WARP to another location G C Shield - Protects the wearer from bullets in one direction only Warp - ghost pacman FEATURE has been removed C Glue - if shot all other pac-persons in the room are GLUED C Beer - if shot every-one else in the room parties Thanks to G - Grey Tide Systems & C - Compuware for the above. Coming sometime will be: Support for SPX TEAM games i.e. the Turds against the Bums Maze layout & sprite editor. More rooms! Support for choice of different sessions & mazes from login screen i.e. show which games are active and which mazes are being used More players per session (given substantial increase in communications throughput) Character save facility. Saves points, tokens, lives etc. when ESC is pressed. Amazingly there have been six registrations, excuse me while I faint. Who says Shareware's a failure. How am I supposed to keep the programming team on chinese meals on that. On the subject of registration, Profitplan went into liquidation on the 6th November 1990, anyone who registered with Profitplan after that date should write to the liquidator Moores Rowland, at the address supplied in the documentation, requesting the return of their cheque. Under development by other members of the team are: PacWars 3D - all your favourite characters in glorious 3 Dimensions, Nice graphics but, don't hold your breath. TankWars - Multi-User Tank Battle, authentic right down to the primitive graphics. The idea of all this is to stimulate the creative juices of programmers around the world to write some decent games for Novell. And allow me to get on with some work and make a living. Till next time I can be contacted on CIX c/o aitken@cix.cix.UUCP Hopefully a network should be forth coming shortly and those deprived people who only have Netware 386 will be able to join in. We've bought the Netware book and now we just have to learn to read. IAIN