========================================================================== How To Unprotect: ATI Training Software JRE ========================================================================== This information is provided to allow legal owners of the above software to liberate themselves from the dependence of a single floppy diskette. Using the below patches, you will be able to make unlimited backups of the floppy, but more importantly, be able to boot the entire system off a hard disk. The copy protection method used on this program expects an unusually formatted Track 2. The easiest way around this was to patch the 'Verify Track' routine. When you run the unprotected copy of Chart Master, you will get an error message. You can ignore this an just press . I'm sure that this can be bypassed also, but after running the program, I was disappointed and decided not to spend any more time debugging it. If you can eliminate this shortcoming, feel free to modify this file and upload it to your favorite BBS. I assume that you are familiar with DEBUG (found on the 2nd DOS diskette). Everything displayed below in upper-case will be supplied by the computer; you must type everything that is in lower-case. Note that the '-' is DEBUG's prompt and should not be typed. Make a copy of the file 'ATI.EXE'; never work with you only copy. Place the program diskette in Drive A, and Debug in Drive B. /------ Comments ------------------- A> ren ati.exe ati | Debug can't resave an EXE file A> b:debug ati | Enter Debug | -s 0 fff0 81 e0 ff 00 89 86 | Search for the routine to be patched. YYYY:21AF | DEBUG should return this number. If not, | you have a different vers & should quit. -e 21af e9 79 00 | Eliminate Floppy Verify routine. -w | Save the program with the changes. Writing 6800 bytes | DEBUG displays this message. -q | Exit DEBUG A> ren ati ati.exe | REName the file to it's original name Thats It. Use 'COPY A:*.* B:' to move all files to a formatted diskette and you will have the whole system unprotected and copyable. ========================================================================== Originally Uploaded To: Rail Road BBS New York JRE ========================================================================== Š