Quick-Start Instructions For Vegas Johnny's Draw Poker (Yellow Sheet) To run from Floppy disk: 1. Boot DOS (must be version 2.0 or later) on your system if it isn't already running. 2. Put the Vegas Johnny Master disk into drive A. 3. Logon to the floppy disk by typing: A: 4. Start the program by typing: POKER To install onto hard disk: 1. Boot DOS (must be version 2.0 or later) if it isn't already running. 2. Decide what directory you want Vegas Johnny Poker to reside in. Create a new directory if you wish. 3. Use the CD command to change to the directory that you want to install Vegas Johnny Poker into. 4. Put the Vegas Johnny Master disk into drive A. 5. At DOS prompt type: COPY A:*.* To print out the document file(approx 35 pages): 1. If not running DOS, Boot DOS on your system. 2. Turn your printer on and switch it 'on-line'. 3. Put Vegas Johnny Master disk into drive A: 4. At DOS prompt type: PRINT A:POKER.DOC Once the program is running: ENTER Selects(or changes) the item highlighted on the screen, arrows Move the on-screen highlight to a different item, ESC Returns you to the previous screen(if any). F1 Gets you help(except in the main screen). ctrl-C Exits to DOS, saving any game in progress. To make suggestions, report bugs, register shareware and order other Vegas Johnny programs: 1. Place correspondence into empty, unused envelope. 2. Address envelope to: Top Score Software PO Box 541 Townsend, MA 01469 3. Put 25-cent stamp on envelope - place in mailbox