Program Title: SPORTS LOG demo version If you read the sports page every day avidly, you'll find that you'll never be able to figure out how you were unable to live without this PC-SIG disk! SPORTS LOG allows you to track games from the NFL, NBA, and many other sport leagues. You enter the names of the teams in the game and the point spread, then your bet on the games. Once this is done, you can enter the results of the games, and the program will figure out your accounts automatically and tell you whether you made or lost money in each account. SPORTS LOG also prints a profit-and-loss statement, and lets you entrust your gambling urges to a warning system that flags unsettling imbalances. This version of the program is limited to one entry, or game, but is fully functional in that aspect. Usage: Sports Tracking System. Special Requirements: None. Suggested Registration: $25.00 File Descriptions: CONFIG SYS Configuration file. DEMO BAT Starts demo. ???????? INT Data file (9 files). ISAM EXE Run-time module. RUNCOB EXE Run-time module. BOOKFILE Data file. BOOKFILE KEY Data file. LINEFILE Data file. LINEFILE KEY Data file. PITCHERS Data file. PITCHERS KEY Data file.