Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ASTRO1.ZIP | Yes | 317174 | 10/20/1990 | ASTRO A very powerful package which does astrology; generates charts and produces text from those charts. |
ASTRO2.ZIP | Yes | 228013 | 10/21/1990 | New Astronomy Program 004 |
ASTROLOG.ZIP | Yes | 79482 | 10/19/1990 | About 12 other Astro data elements |
BRS.ZIP | Yes | 125313 | 5/16/1991 | BOWLING RECORD SYSTEM A former commercial program used to maintain up to 19 bowling leagues a season. |
CARDSHOP.ZIP | Yes | 151350 | 2/14/1990 | THE CARDSHOP A baseball card inventory program designe for use by baseball card collectors. Menu driven and very easy to use. |
CDMSTR.ZIP | Yes | 111142 | 1/8/1991 | CD Master CD cataloging system. |
COMPDIET.ZIP | Yes | 92605 | 4/11/1990 | DIET FOR MONEY A state of the art nutrition system to help you eat better and feel better. |
EZ-TREE.ZIP | Yes | 27680 | 4/6/1990 | EZ-TREE A geneology program to track and report on fam ily trees. |
FAMILY1.ZIP | Yes | 4345 | 4/3/1990 | FAMILY TREE JOURNAL VERSION 8.0 DISK 2 OF 2 |
FAMILY2.ZIP | Yes | 140501 | 4/3/1990 | DISK 2 OF 3 |
FAMILY3.ZIP | Yes | 193362 | 4/3/1990 | DISK 3 OF 3 |
FBIJOKE.ZIP | Yes | 49248 | 7/21/1991 | FBI JOKE Strictly a practical joke program to make you friends think yo u have the ability to "hack" into the FB computer and check on personal history records. Fun! |
FDRAFT1.ZIP | Yes | 12838 | 10/22/1990 | FANTASY SPORTS DRAFTER Helps users assemble the best teams for Fantasy League pools. |
FDRAFT2.ZIP | Yes | 163293 | 10/22/1990 | DISK 2 OF 2 |
FORCOINS.ZIP | Yes | 135803 | 5/21/1991 | FOR COIN COLLECTORS Designed to catalog a coin collection for both casual collec tors and serious investors. |
FORCOMIC.ZIP | Yes | 137020 | 5/21/1991 | FOR COMIC BOOK COLLECTORS A 3-level program designed for use by people who have a few co mics; or for the professional investor. |
FPM.ZIP | Yes | 143142 | 4/3/1990 | FOOTBALL POOL MANAGER A program written for anyone who wants to run a football pool. Also has several added bonus features for more creative bett ing. |
GRYHOUND.ZIP | Yes | 60298 | 4/22/1990 | GREYHOUND HANDICAPPING Professional handicapping software for Greyhound dog racing. |
HAM.ZIP | Yes | 121675 | 5/17/1991 | HAM RADIO SEVERAL USEFUL PROGRAMS |
HAND-A.ZIP | Yes | 103827 | 10/11/1990 | HANDWRITING ANALYST Asks you several questions about a person's handwriting; then produces a detailed report on that person. |
HANDICAP.ZIP | Yes | 204282 | 4/11/1990 | Golf round info & handicap calcualation 004 |
HANDSOFF.ZIP | Yes | 22073 | 1/2/1990 | Playful Imitation? Computer Alarm System |
HERBS.ZIP | Yes | 71909 | 4/11/1990 | HERBS AND VITAMINS Information on vitamins and herbal cures for whatever is bothe ring you. |
LOTOFEVR.ZIP | Yes | 94238 | 5/21/1991 | LOTTO FEVER Unique lottery program that combines astrology and Lotto to pr oduce your "winning" numbers. |
LOTOPRO.ZIP | Yes | 209557 | 5/16/1991 | LOTTO PROPHECY A new and interesting lottery predictio program that contains two prediction systems; and wheeling charts. |
MELODY.ZIP | Yes | 20299 | 5/16/1991 | MELODY MAKER Music program that allows the user to compose; or play the key board like a piano; and save the creation for later playback a nd editing. |
MOVIE1.ZIP | Yes | 66211 | 10/14/1990 | MOVIE GUIDE A movie program guide that shows film history; profiles stars; and contains a relational database; and graphics images too ! |
MOVIE2.ZIP | Yes | 121111 | 10/14/1990 | MOVIE GUIDE VERSION 2.1 A FILM HISTORY STAR |
MOVIE3.ZIP | Yes | 122773 | 10/14/1990 | DISK 3 OF 3 |
NUTRITN1.ZIP | Yes | 99095 | 4/11/1990 | THE NUTRITIONIST Very comprehensive and detailed nutrition and diet monitorin g system. |
NUTRITN2.ZIP | Yes | 17991 | 4/11/1990 | DISK 2 OF 2 |
PCFOTO.ZIP | Yes | 131357 | 4/5/1990 | PC-FOTO A program to create labels for your libraries of slides; prints; or anything else used photographically. |
PIANO1.ZIP | Yes | 49855 | 3/26/1990 | Player Piano, PianoMan 1 of 2 |
PIANO2.ZIP | Yes | 86924 | 3/26/1990 | DISK 2 OF 2 |
SOUND1.ZIP | Yes | 94109 | 10/16/1990 | SOUND A program that allows the PC to generate digitized speech; l ike the Mac and Atari computers. |
SOUND2.ZIP | Yes | 162883 | 10/16/1990 | DISK 2 OF 2 |
SPORTLOG.ZIP | Yes | 128527 | 4/5/1990 | SPORTS LOG Allows you to track pro sports games and the results for betti ng purposes. |
TERATIME.ZIP | Yes | 57823 | 5/13/1991 | TRACKS TIME & DISTANCE IN 44 CITIES & ZONES |
TRAN.ZIP | Yes | 34199 | 1/11/1990 | Reads documents or input then TALKS *good* 090 |
VIDMSTR.ZIP | Yes | 111017 | 1/8/1991 | VIDEOMASTER A videotape database with user-customized listings and label g eneration. |
WNA.ZIP | No | 82414 | 4/10/1990 | WHITEWARE NUTRITION ANALYST Allows you to build custom diets; adjust nutritional req.; analyze foods; etc. |