Program Title: BIBLEQ version 3.2 BIBLEQ is a trivia-type game with 1000 multiple-choice questions drawn from the Bible. It tests you on a wide range of topics including geography of the Biblical lands, personalities, incidents, and teachings of the Gospels. Bible students and teachers of the church-school variety will certainly want this in their collections. Combined with WordWorker (#581-2) you have the foundations for an excellent on-line Scripture study system. Usage: Entertainment System Requirements: None. How to Start: Type BIBLEQ (press enter). Since BIBLEQ uses files CAT1.DAT through CAT4.DAT for data, the program and these files must be on the default drive (drive specified on prompt, such as A>). Suggested Registration: $12.00 File Descriptions: BQ EXE Main program. BIBLEQ DOC Documentation for program and files. PRINTDOC BAT Batch file to print the documentation. CAT1 DAT Questions on Old Testament. CAT2 DAT Questions on Bible geography. CAT3 DAT Questions on the four Gospels. CAT4 DAT Questions on the New Testament. CAT5 DAT Questions files.