WARNING TO ALL USERS PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS MESSAGE THIS IS NOT A JOKE There is a "VIRUS" which is spreading across the country on college campuses and Bulletin Board Systems. The "VIRUS" is as follows: The virus is hidden in the stack space of COMMAND.COM. When a PC is booted from an infected disk, all the user needs to do to spread the virus is to access another disk containing COMMAND.COM by using on of these DOS commands, TYPE, COPY, DIR,....ETC. Then a counter on the parent disk is incremented. When the counter reaches a value of 4, any and every disk (including HD) in the computer is unknowlingly erased. The boot tracks are nulled, as are the FAT tables, etc. All of Norton's horses couldn't even put it together again. Meanwhile, the children that were created through DOS commands on other disks go on to affect more disks, and so on. While this virus appears to be VERY well written, the author did leave behind a couple of footprints. First, when a disk is infected, the COMMAND.COM date changes. Secondly, if there is a write protect tab on the disk, you will get a write protect error. So boot up from a suspected disk and access a write protected disk. If an error comes up, then you're sure that the boot disk has the virus. NOTE, that the length of COMMAND.COM does not change when the virus is spread. PLEASE KEEP THIS VERY MUCH AT MIND, BECAUSE BULLETIN BOARDS ARE THE QUICKEST WAY FOR THE AUTHOR HOLE TO SPREAD THE VIRUS. BE ESPECIALLY CAREFUL WHEN A PROGRAM YOU DOWNLOAD COMES WITH A COMMAND.COM. PLEASE PASS IT ALONG TO OTHER BBS SYSOPS!!! ESPECIALLY CAREFUL WHEN A PROGRAM YOU DOWNLOAD COMES WITH A COMMAND.COM