1DIR.UNP BY:MR. MAGIC BENSALEM, PA. FEBRUARY, 1985 GENERAL: 1DIR is a solid hard disk "manager" program from Bourbaki, Inc. and licensed to Basic Time, etc. to be included with their hard disk units. The copy I received with my unit was "protected" and only ran on the Basic Time hard disk. The following patch will free the software for use on all hard disks. SETUP: Copy 1DIR.COM to a diskette or the hard disk. Make sure you have a copy of DEBUG on the same volume. I assume you know how to use DEBUG. THE PATCH: 1. DEBUG 1DIR.COM 2. u3d53 Confirm that the line in part reads... "3d53 ....... CMP AL, [.......]" IF YES... THE FOLLOWING PATCH WILL WORK; Note: =RETURN KEY Quotes are not to be typed 3. a3d53 4. 3d53 "XOR AL,AL " 5. 3D55 "NOP " 6. 3D56 "NOP " 7. 3D57 "" 8. w 9. q That's it... 1DIR should now work on all of your equipment. By the way, at $99.00 this is a pretty good program-don't rip it off. Un- protect it if you have other disks to use it with.