X-PRINT Copyright 1988 Dan Little Computing PO Box 1443 Morgantown, WV 26507-1443 REQUIREMENTS ============ You need an IBM PC, XT, or AT { or compatible }. Since X-print uses only about 11k of memory, memory concerns are probably not necessary. The edition you have is programmed for Epson & compatible printers. Even if you have a different printer, you can load X-print and see how it works. Get in touch with me at the address at the bottom of this document for rates on customizing X-print for your printer. LOADING ======= Loading X-print is a snap. At the DOS prompt { A> } type X-PRINT . The screen will display the program title, invocation key { key to start ie ALT-X }, and Edition name. The program is loaded and waiting patiently in memory for you to use. X-print defaults to an invocation key of ALT-X. If you would like some other key to activate X-print, you would type X-PRINT /N. In this instance Alt-N would start X-print. You can replace N with any ALPHA key. IF YOU USE OTHER MEMORY RESIDENT PROGRAMS, YOU MUST INSTALL X-PRINT FIRST. IF YOU DO NOT, X-PRINT MAY DE-ACTIVATE SOME/ALL OF THEM. OPERATING ========= To use X-print, press ALT-X { or the optional key you substituted for X -- see "LOADING" }. The FULL SCREEN menu display shows. Notice there are 2 arrow keys displaying to the left of the menu. These arrows show the current setting of the printer (assuming the printer was not set). You can move the highlight bar down by pressing: Right Arrow Down Arrow Space Bar Plus Key You can move the highlight bar up by pressing: Left Arrow Up Arrow Back Space Minus Key By utilizing all of these to move the band, the keystrokes are compatible with most any software. When the band is over the selection you want, press RETURN. The printer will be set and the screen will return to its previous state. PAPER CONSIDERATIONS ==================== You will have no doubt noticed the page size selections which the second arrow concerns itself with. The following chart will show how you may be able to save on paper costs (especially if you use your printer constantly). ___________________________________________________________________________ | | | | |Paper Size |Lines Per Inch |Notes | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |9« (8«) X 11 |66 |Standard Paper | | | | | |12 (11) X 8« |51 |Allows for wider reports than | | | |standard and is less expensive| | | |than the 15 X 11. | | | | | |9« (8«) X 5« |33 |This is actually « pages and | | | |can save you $$ for everyday | | | |printing & reporting needs. | | | |You do not lose a full page | | | |everytime you line your paper.| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT & GRAPHICS =============== X-print is designed to work over any text mode. Since X-print checks the video mode upon each entrance, you may alter between monitors. No set up is necessary as X-print makes the adjustments. X-print will not come up over graphics (sorry). Should you make this attempt, X-print will beep and send the invocation key into your application. REGISTERING =========== You will enjoy using X-print. Under the guidelines of Shareware, you are required to register X-print should you find it of use (placing it in your autoexec.bat file or frequent loading indicates that you need to register). Registration is only $ 15.00. Upon receipt, you will receive documentation on loading memory resident applications without "interference". As indicated earlier, I will set up X-print to work with your non-epson printer for a reasonable cost which depends on the printer. Updates will be made available at a cost of $ 3.00 as they are developed. Suggestions and feedback are welcome. You may send your registration to: Dan Little Computing PO Box 1443 Morgantown, WV 26507-1443