Enumerator for Windows version 1.0 Copyright 1990 Bruce M. Terry Jr. Enumerator is a simple program designed for the Microsoft Windows 3.0 environment that will read in a text file and number each word in the file. What is considered a word can be changed with the "Sensitivity" menu. After a file is read, words can be searched for based on the word itself, or a particular number. Also, the enumerated text can be printed to the Windows output device in either long (with numbers on each word) or short (number of first word only) view (see program). The program works only with straignt ASCII files (ie. save Microsoft Write documents in text-only format) of up to about 42k. Scrolling can be done with the arrow keys or with the mouse and scrollbar. The rest is pretty much self-explanatory. The program was made mostly as a way to get familiar with programming for Microsoft Windows. It would probably come in handy for students who have term papers to write of a specified number of words, but whose word processors do not count words. Since I am new to Windows programming, I would be glad to hear from any other Windows programmers who might have comments or suggestions for the program. I'll supply the source code on a 5¼ inch disk to anyone interested for a fee of $10.00. Questions, comments, etc. can be sent to: Bruce M. Terry Jr. P.O. Box 325 Ocean View, NJ 08230